Overhead Press:
3x5 - 58.75kg
Chin Ups:
3x5 - BW +16kg
Weighted Sit Ups:
3x6 - 24kg
Started squats, was just going to be a medium/light day at 120kg for maybe 2 sets of 5. Felt a pain in the right side of my groin through all my warm up sets so decided to skip it all together, to save making the pain any worse when I come to squatting heavy on Friday.
Press wasn't easy, but it didn't look like failing, will be nice to finally be doing 60kg next time. Tried wearing my belt for the first set, didn't really feel a huge difference so left it off for the next two.
Chins were fine, last rep of the last set was a bit of a slow one, but should be good to keep moving up on this until at least past 20kg, fingers crossed.
Not stalling today was nice, and a bit of a surprise given I'd been pretty ill over the weekend and had barely eaten anything on Saturday. I think milk kept me going, though I had lost a little bit of weight.
Overall I felt fine, but I think I should have reduced the frequency of my deadlift earlier given it kind of wore me out last week doing it monday and friday. Will give it a rest this week and come back to it next week, hopefully Friday's squat will be unaffected.