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Thread: SS Radio #94: TRT, PSA, and You with Kieth Nichols and Scott Howell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

    Default SS Radio #94: TRT, PSA, and You with Kieth Nichols and Scott Howell

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    Great interview, and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. I have been in denial about my health for too long and this just pushed me over the edge.
    Thanks for putting this out there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Chicago Burbs, IL


    Thanking you "for a friend".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    Yeah, me too, Cheese. My friend's getting his blood tested tomorrow at 0830.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Yeah my friend is meeting with his Dr/endocrinologist next week to start a TRT trial... mind you said Dr did recommend against a trial, hope he still “allows” it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    I just got my results back, and my GP says I am "within the lower end of the normal range" at 12 nmol/L, therefore, all she would do for me is to invite me back for a repeat blood test in 4 months.

    I asked if I am supposed to live with all of the intensely negative symptoms which I had already outlined. She laughed nervously and said, in that case, she would agree to see in only three months' time - not four. Only three months of depressive moods and a lack of thumos.

    Fuck that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    GPs are like waitresses so much of the time, only they never deserve a tip.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Chandler, AZ


    I originally posted this on the General Q&A forum, but that thread seems dead.

    Thank you Rip and Drs. Nichols and Howell for providing this valuable resource. Lots of great information that I am finding relevant as I turn 60 in a few short months.

    Aside from getting testosterone checked, I would recommend guys get a sleep test to see if they might need a CPAP machine. My mood and energy levels have certainly increased since I've been using one, and my wife is also sleeping better as my snoring is not keeping her awake anymore. Getting my hypothyroidism under control also contributed to a better outlook on life.

    A couple of questions.

    If I wanted to go the TRT route, what would I look for in finding a reputable clinic? I'm in the Phoenix, AZ area if that means anything. In May of 2020 my total testosterone was measured as 353 and free testosterone calculated as 60 and I'm not really sure I'm a candidate for treatment.

    Also, when, if ever, is treatment indicated for prostate cancer and how is that point decided?

    Thanks again for this and all the other outstanding podcasts you provide.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Default My Wacky Experience With A Jay Campbell-Recommended TRT Doctor

    I contacted the hormone optimization (TRT) doctors Jay Campbell recommended when he was a guest on the SS podcast, chose one, and started the process of working with the doc. Is it me, or was my experience wacky and one gigantic red flag? Serious question, and thank you in advance for your thoughts.

    First step in working with this doc was to get a blood test, for $277. When I was sent the lab requisition, my address was incorrect, and my name wasn't quite right (first and last were correct, middle was not). That made me cock my head sideways and furrow my brow, but I waved it off because I was excited to work with the doc.

    I took the test (5 full vials), but when the labs came back, guess what result wasn't listed. I'll give you a hint: it starts with T and is typically measured as "full" and "free."

    How could that be? I again cocked my head sideways and furrowed my brow, but I waved it off again, thinking the doc must know what he's doing. But I got "weak" and emailed the doc's assistant who emailed me the lab requisition and asked her if my testosterone was supposed to be checked.

    She said yes it was (DUH), blamed the lab (LabCorp) for missing it, implying that the T test was ordered, just not done. Not by the requisition she sent me, though. Five tests were ordered. Each was written on the form apart below where it said, and I quote, "TEST ORDERED (TOTAL 5)": DHEA-Sulfate, Pregnenelone, Estradiol, CBC with Differential/Platelet, and Prostate-Specific Ag.

    Here was the real kicker, though: she said (essentially), "But we can still do your appointment (with the Doc, for $697, scheduled for the end of the week). He starts everybody out on the same dosage and assesses after 30 days. We'll include the testosterone then. You won't have to pay for it."


    A doctor who makes his living prescribing injectable and rub-on testosterone doesn't need to know my T levels beforehand? HTF could he possibly know I even need it? By taking my word for it about my symptoms? "It's not a problem-he'll check it next time. You can still have your appointment."

    Is that not stunningly unprofessional and irresponsible? I get the whole treat-the-symptoms-not-the-number thing. But there's always a number! A doctor's going to prescribe a patient potent hormones to inject and to rub on the patient's balls without knowing the hormone levels existing in the patient at the start?

    I admit I was going to go along with this, but I thought about it overnight, woke up, and asked myself if I was really that stupid and crazy. I sent a politely-worded email to the doc's admin (the one who waved off the no T test and said it doesn't matter) stating that I am unwilling to proceed without knowing, and without knowing the doctor knows, my testosterone levels to start. And I nicely stated they should pay for it (since it was 100% their fault, and "only" $50-70 or so per my research), and that I would go be tested (again) and then have my consult. And I nicely stated that if that could not be accommodated, I would take it as a sign that this is just not meant to be with this doctor, which would be terribly disappointing.

    She did not respond to me.

    Is this not a crazy experience? Does the starting T number matter so little that IT DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO BE KNOWN, as it's the symptoms that are to be treated, not the number? That seems absurd to me. My T might be adequate, and my fat-in-the-middle problems could conceivably be that I simply leave the feed bag on too long each night. Morning wood is a thing of the past, but the wonderworm performs splendidly with my girlfriend with no issue whatsoever (and no pills). Maybe my perceived lack of focus is in my head and or because I don't meditate or pray every morning. You know? I could guess that my T is low, but how could I or anyone know without actually testing it first?

    It's them...right??? (I bet at least one of you educated folk will think, if not write, "Actually, no; it is THEY.")

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by JHarry View Post
    A doctor who makes his living prescribing injectable and rub-on testosterone doesn't need to know my T levels beforehand? HTF could he possibly know I even need it? By taking my word for it about my symptoms? "It's not a problem-he'll check it next time. You can still have your appointment."

    Is that not stunningly unprofessional and irresponsible? I get the whole treat-the-symptoms-not-the-number thing. But there's always a number! A doctor's going to prescribe a patient potent hormones to inject and to rub on the patient's balls without knowing the hormone levels existing in the patient at the start?
    Doctors can be profoundly stupid and still be doctors. But did you listen to this podcast? At all? The part where the reference range is utterly meaningless?

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