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Thread: Initial Investment Options for Training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Springfield, MO

    Question Initial Investment Options for Training

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    Hello, Starting Strength forum frequenters.

    I am considering options for investing some money into my training.

    My current situation is training at a cheap gym ($10/month) that has most of what I would ideally be looking for in a gym. The downside is that the squat stand they have doesn't have finely adjustable spotting arms and they are either too low to save me from anything or high enough that the bar hits them when I go much lower than parallel (I could probably hit proper depth with a quarter to half inch of space between the bar and the arms, so not much room for deviation). I have been alternating between using the squat rack and squatting without a rack with bumper plates. I've successfully failed squats in the past with bumper plates, getting out from under the bar and letting the weight fall behind me, but that was when the bar was closer to a high bar position. I'm a bit more concerned without the safety of spotter arms in the lower bar position. Other than that, I train alone so bench press without a spotter is a potential downside without spotting arms as well. I have failed on the bench and utilized the roll of shame on more than one occasion. I also don't put the collar on the bar to give myself the option of tilting the plates off if I get stuck.

    I just finished a graduate degree and am still looking for a job, so not much cash flow at the moment, but I do have some money saved (~$1,000) that I could reasonably invest in my training if it makes enough sense to. I'm considering coaching or getting some sort of rack, a barbell, and weights.

    SSOC is potentially an option. I also live in the same city as Matt Reynolds, though I'm not sure if he does live coaching with the launch of SSOC.

    I was also considering saving up a bit more to get a good power rack, good barbell, and bumper plates, and forfeit the use of my garage for vehicle storage. Alternatively, I came across the option of getting a less than perfect rack and weights for pretty cheap today ($500). It looks to be the Parabody Pro System 893 which is essentially a home gym contraption with built-in squat rack, pulley, pec dec, etc. It would come with the rack, a barbell (of unknown quality), adjustable bench with unnecessary attachment options for preacher curls etc, and ~350 lbs of iron plates. You can take a peek at it here: Mercado: Professional Full Workout Rack With Pulley System And Free Weights.

    Any advice from those of you less wet behind the ears than myself?
    Last edited by John Penick; 05-20-2017 at 03:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    How far apart are the holes for the spotter arms spaced? Shouldn't be more than 4 inches. While not ideal, a lot of people train with racks that have 4" hole spacing. Benching without a spotter and no safeties isn't advisable. Shit happens. Don't get killed benching.

    If you don't have a job and have plenty of time, you can search craigslist every day for home gym equipment. I'd probably skip it if you can make your gym work for $10/mo given your current situation.

    You can probably get your form pretty dialed in by recording all of your sets and posting them to the SSC Q&A forum for feedback. In-person coaching is pretty helpful if you can afford it. I guess it just depends on what competing priorities you have other than lifting. Also, depends what your job prospects are like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    If the arms are in the wrong I'd just stand on'll be apples.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Springfield, MO


    I haven't measured them, but 4" sounds like it is about right. I've been recording my lifts for awhile now, so I'll start posting those to get feedback on the form. Thanks for the input.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Fredericksburg, Va


    As long as your $10/month gym has a squat rack, bench, barbells, and lets you deadlift then I'd spend your hard earned money on a good belt (perhaps ipf/usapl approved if you want to compete) and a good pair of lifting shoes.

    $500 is 50 months (just under 5 years) worth of gym dues so unless their are other factors to consider it probably won't be worth it. Especially since you'll need to add about $300 for a barbell in your budget.

    All of this coming from a guy who has a home setup. It's worth the investment if you are serious about it... But from your situation I'd hold off till you find a solid job. That $1000 should be an emergency fund for contingencies and job hunting expenses...But since this isn't a personal finance forum I'll spare you the lecture.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Springfield, MO


    Ya, I'll hold off on buying a rack for now. I'll look into belts. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Fredericksburg, Va


    If you really really really want one though the best bang for your buck is definitely titan fitness. I have their T3 36" deep rack and love it.

    They have half racks that can be had for dirt cheap with spotter arms. Good to keep in mind for when you do set up a home gym.

    Because having a home gym is the absolute best.

    Cages & Racks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Home depot sells 1000lb rated height adjustable sawhorses that could be used as spotters. See if the gym would let you bring them?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Kansas City


    Quote Originally Posted by JPenick View Post
    SSOC is potentially an option. I also live in the same city as Matt Reynolds, though I'm not sure if he does live coaching with the launch of SSOC.
    Matt does live coaching. Came down from KC at the end of last month. Would be good to get his eyes on you while you're still in the learning stages of things. Shoot him an email.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Springfield, MO


    starting strength coach development program
    I'll check out the sawhorse idea. I hadn't heard of that before, but that's a great thought.

    Also will look into hiring Matt for a session.

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