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Thread: Intermediate 4 day split, accessory lifts and questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Intermediate 4 day split, accessory lifts and questions

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    I think I'm pretty much done with the novice linear program. I've used it off and on (due to working at a gold mine with no gym) and I've achieved the following on the program.

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 155 to 175

    Approx 5RMs:
    Squat: 165 to 275
    Deadlift: 185 to 365
    Bench: 115 to 185
    Press: 65 to 135
    Clean: 95 to 185

    Overall, I'm very happy with the program. It's just time to move on. The workouts are taking me way too long now and I'm having trouble fully recovering. For the last while, for squats and bench, I've done 3x3 one workout then 3x5 the next workout just to help with recovery.

    My schedule has freed up quite a bit lately and I'd like to start working out 4 days per week. I was looking on the Starting Strength Wikia and I like the 4 day intermediate split. This is what I'm thinking:

    Squats: 3x3 (go up in weight from previous week)
    Bench: 3x5
    Accessory work

    Power cleans: 5x3
    Accessory work

    Wednesday: off

    Squats: 3x5 (same weight as 3x3)
    Press: 5x3 (always preferred this rep scheme for press)

    Deadlifts: 1x5
    Accessory work

    I'm struggling with what to use for accessory work. I would like to do dips, chin ups, glute ham raises, curls, Rippetoe skull crushers, bent over rows, core work etc. I have no idea on what days I should do them. Any suggestions would be great.

    Also, should I bench/press once per week or maybe bench 2x per week and press 1x per week?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    I have the 2nd edition of both books which I bought a little over a year ago.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lynchburg, VA


    You really work at a gold mine? That's kinda cool. And there's no... Gold's Gym? Hah. Haha. ... Sorry.

    Anyway, I'm not an expert on this by any means, and I am still doing my novice progression, but I do a 4 days/wk short workout. I kind of set it up so that it will be easy to change it to an intermediate program when the time comes by just changing the focus on each day. So, think of this as just one more idea.
    Monday: Squat and Press then chinups or pull downs. Maybe some cardio or something after. For intermediate, I guess the Press would be lower weight higher volume.
    Tuesday: Bench and DL, inverted rows or dumbbell rows. Bench heavy, deadlift volume/speed, deadlift variations.
    Thursday: Same as Monday, but Press heavy, volume squats, same assistance
    Friday: Same as Tues, but Deadlift heavy and bench volume, same assistance. What could make you feel better before the weekend than a deadlift PR, a chest pump from benching, and arm pump from dumbbell rows/Kroc rows?
    Saturday: run around outside.

    Just a thought. Take with grain of salt.

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