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Thread: Deflekt's Log

  1. #1
    deflekt6 Guest

    Default Deflekt's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    As promised, this is the log. I'm doing a beginner's 5x5 program, starting off with light weights to have the freedom of focusing on good technique. Numbers will be up soon after the first training session. Just trying to create some momentum for now by making this log firsthand.

    deflekt's Stats
    138.2 lbs
    30" (76.20 cm)
    19" (48.26 cm)
    11.0 %
    13" (33.02 cm)
    32" (81.28 cm)
    10" (25.40 cm)
    12" (30.48 cm)
    14.5" (36.83 cm)
    36" (91.44 cm)
    15" (38.10 cm)

    The Lifting
    Workout A
    Squat 5x5
    Bench Press 5x5
    BB Row 5x5
    Dips 3xF

    Workout B
    Squat 5x5
    Overhead Press 5x5
    Deadlift 1x5
    Pull-ups/Chin-ups 3xF

  2. #2
    deflekt6 Guest


    Weighed in this morning @ 139.8 lbs


    Bench Press

    BB Row


    Squats-sticking point @ the bottom when attempting to push back up.
    Bench-bar slightly tilts on drive up. need to focus on pushing the bar with equal force from both arms
    row-bar also tilts when pulling up.need to focus on pulling the bar up evenly. also need to focus on keeping torso parallel to the floor and not letting my back rise much higher than the starting position.
    dips-failure was around 6 reps in sets 1&2. 3rd set: 3 reps. need to focus on breathing at the top of the rep, not at the bottom.

  3. #3
    deflekt6 Guest


    thanks to some sound advice and introducing a new concept to me, i got myself in the gym today and trained. although i managed to train, i ended up getting to the gym 120 min. after my meal so i ran out of energy halfway into my session! i need to plan better and ensure that i'm in the gym 60-90 min. after a protein/carb meal.


    Overhead Press



    Squats - did better on driving through the sticking point i was having difficulty with last session but i realized i have a new problem: my knees like to try and buckle in on the drive up so i was insisting on "spreading the floor" and it seemed to help a lot.

    oh press - i had made a note on my phone to start with 50lbs on this exercise but the "5" on my phone looks much like a "6". i didn't realize it until after my first set so i decided i'd just follow through with my mistake and keep the weight. my hands were touching my shoulders so i gotta widen my grip a bit to avoid that. i remember failing to bring my chest up while doing my reps a few times so have to emphasize that. i also have to remember my elbows go in front of the bar, not behind. i got that confused today and i need to squeeze my glutes [hard]. gotta remember to also tuck my chin to my chest when the bar is overhead.

    deadlift - i had begun to start feeling fatigued and experiencing "mental cloudiness" by now. i felt like i was in a bit of a haze and was having some difficulty concentrating on getting the lift right. have to focus on bring my shoulder-blades over the bar and pulling the bar as close to my body as possible. i need to make sure my hips go first and then my knees when bringing the bar down. i wish i would've had more concentration energy in me to really pay attention to what i did. i'm assuming i need to focus on executing these things correctly b/c it is very vague in my mind as to whether or not i executed correctly. (shakes head)

    pull-ups - failure was around 6 reps in sets 1. 2nd/3rd set: 4 reps. need to focus on breathing in when pulling up. by now i was already fatigued.

  4. #4
    deflekt6 Guest



    Bench Press

    BB Row


    Notes: i'm short on time but i will say my form improved on all exercises to a degree. most noticeable improvements were in the squat and the bench.

  5. #5
    deflekt6 Guest


    it was brought to my attention, however, that my diet is a bit low in protein. trying to up that. today's session was far from great. yet again, i ran out of energy early on in my session. i'm gonna start leaving for the gym 50 min. after my pre-wo meal so that by the time i've done my 5 min. warm-up on the treadmill and stretching, i'm ready to go around the 90 min. mark.


    Overhead Press



    Squats - def. felt a diff. with the weight this session. the last rep of the last set was probably the hardest and there were times i wanted to drop the weight but i sucked it up and got that last rep or two in. i noticed my elbows were coming forward at times and my main issue was leaning forward. i had to place extra emphasis on curling my toes and "spreading the floor". i have a really difficult time coming out of the hole.

    oh press - it's imperative i get my breathing technique down. i found myself doing horribly in that arena today. i would like to say it's easier for me simply breathe out at the bottom of the movement but it's going to take a little more trial and error to see what works best for me. i was pretty spent by the time i got to this exercise so i feel biased being too hard on myself about form because i was pretty much running on mental fuel but regardless of how great the oil you put in your car is, if you don't have any gasoline in, it ain't gonna get you far, know what i mean?

    deadlift - i think i'm going to ask someone to just take a vid of me doing these because i would really like feedback on these. i wasn't sure if i was hyperextending but i was still making conscious efforts to not hyperextend. i feel i could've done a better job keeping the bar close to my body too. i'm going to make an effort to emphasize on squeezing the glutes, driving from my heels and pulling the bar closer to my body.

    chin-ups - failure: 6 reps

  6. #6
    deflekt6 Guest



    Bench Press

    BB Row


    short on time but..
    Squats - focused on keeping abs tight and trying to push up explosively
    dips - failure: set 1,2=6, set 3=3

  7. #7
    deflekt6 Guest


    missed close to a month's worth of sessions but came back hard today. a bit nauseous but i'll live.


    Overhead Press


    3xF, F=6

  8. #8
    deflekt6 Guest



    Bench Press

    BB Row

    bwx3xF, F=10

    Squats - becoming more difficult. focused on keeping abs tight. i have to make sure i remember to "spread the floor". that has helped me a lot in the last few sessions and failing to remember to do so might be one of the reasons why the exercise becomes harder after about the 3rd set. asked someone to spot me on my last set. good thing they did cause if not, i would've been on my hospital 15 min. after the 2nd rep.
    Bench - trying to "bend the bar" helped me a lot, considering i remembered to do it after either the 1st or 2nd set, can't remember which set it was. i was focusing on trying to bring the bar down right below my lower chest area.
    row - forgot to go over the focal points of proper execution for this exercise prior to heading out to the gym so my form was alright for maybe 2-3 sets out of the 5 lol. i went over those points after getting back from the gym about 5 min. ago. naughty naughty me lol
    dips - i'm seeing a big improvement in the #'s for this exercise. are y'all seeing what i'm seeing? i'm not sure how great this new method of mine is but i'm taking a big breath at the beginning of each set (at the top of the movement) and performing 2 reps at a time before taking another big breath at the top of the movement again. holding the breath for 2 reps a bad idea?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by deflekt6 View Post
    holding the breath for 2 reps a bad idea?
    Not if its working. The main thing is have a breath in you. No need to let it out every time if you dont feel the need.

    Keep up the progress

  10. #10
    deflekt6 Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    Can't argue with reasonableness. My logic is similar to yours. thanks for the quick response Phil. much appreciated!

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