They are even more reliant on good technique than power cleans IMO, that is, to be able to use heavy enough weight to get any kind of stimulus. . . .your technique is going to have to be spot on. Power cleans are more simplistic, you can do some/a lot shit wrong with relatively heavy weight and still rack it.
Or, if not, a missed power clean just falls to the ground, where the lift starts.
Then, when and if you are at that point where you are using decent weight to get anything out of it (jerks) . . . multiple reps sorta suck.
A- you make a good split jerk; rerack it (catch on shoulders) . . which sucks IMO**.
B- you make a good rep; say "fuck it" its too heavy, drop it . . .strip some weight, power clean it, put it back it the rack.
C- you miss it, because technique error; its on the ground now . . .strip some weight, power clean it, put it back in the rack.
So there is some logistics there to consider there. (unless you have access to jerk blocks / jerk tables . . .which would be awesome)
Might be better off with light power jerks (push jerk).
OR push presses.
(if you are dead set on using ballistic barbell lifts)
**IIRC, I think in some/one of the Oly programs in PP3, its states to just drop rack jerks ot the floor, its not worth it to re-catch and re-rack (if heavy).