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Thread: Texas Method and losing body fat, critique of programming, diet, etc. Details Below

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Texas Method and losing body fat, critique of programming, diet, etc. Details Below

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I’ll start this by giving you my stats:
    Age 30
    Height 6’1”
    Weight 265
    I would estimate bodyfat around 25%

    Squat: 400LBS X 5
    Bench: 270LBS X 5
    Deadlift 450LBS X 5
    PRESS: 170LBS X 5

    Been running the Texas Method for 14 weeks now, before I did 5-3-1 and bodybuilding type workouts in between. Trying to get bodyweight down to 245 with strict dieting. Currently eating 2500 calories a day, no cardio. Started this diet 3 weeks ago.

    I’ve been stuck at the following lifts for 2-3 weeks on Intensity Day:
    Squat 405 for 4 reps (stuck 2 weeks)
    Bench 275 for 3 reps (stuck 3 weeks)
    Deadlift 455 for 3 reps (stuck 2 weeks )
    Press 175 for 3 reps

    My volume day looks like this:
    Squat 350 5x5
    Bench 245 5x5
    Press 145 5x5

    It feels like I just hit a wall. I throw in accessory work like pull ups (usually 5 sets of 10), rows (5 sets of 8), bi’s and tri’s. Pull ups and rows earlier in week to recover for deadlift on ID Friday.

    Should I reset? What should ID and VD look like? Diet is necessary, got way to fat running these numbers up. How should I proceed with a focus on gaining strength and slowly dropping fat?

    Diet is below in case you’re interested: I’ll eat this 5 days out of the week and I’ll throw in some cheat meals on the weekend.
    Chicken Breast (200 g)
    Black Beans (.5 cup)
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil (2 TBS)
    wrap 1

    Chicken Breast (200 g)
    Black Beans (.5 cup)
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil (2 TBS)

    Chicken Breast (100 g)
    Black Beans (.5 cup)
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil (2 TBS)
    wrap 1

    Eggs- 3
    Egg White - 8

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    Stop doing the Texas Method on a caloric surplus.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz




  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Kansas City


    How many calories did you eat before starting this?

    Your numbers are stuck because you aren't eating enough. But you knew that.

    Or do you think it's purely coincidence you've been stuck the past 3 weeks and that you also have been dieting for 3 weeks?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Land of Shadows...


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt87 View Post
    I’ll start this by giving you my stats:
    Age 30
    Height 6’1”
    Weight 265
    I would estimate bodyfat around 25%
    Currently eating 2500 calories a day, no cardio. Started this diet 3 weeks ago.
    I throw in accessory work like pull ups (usually 5 sets of 10), rows (5 sets of 8), bi’s and tri’s. Pull ups and rows earlier in week to recover for deadlift on ID Friday.
    Some will say eat moar.

    Some will say ditch the accessories.

    Few will say: maybe try something other than Tejas Method.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by mattlifts View Post
    How many calories did you eat before starting this?

    Your numbers are stuck because you aren't eating enough. But you knew that.

    Or do you think it's purely coincidence you've been stuck the past 3 weeks and that you also have been dieting for 3 weeks?
    Ate as much as I wanted. Got fat. Too fat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    Need to lose body fat and maintain/gain strength

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kansas City


    I'd switch to something like the HLM template and see how you do on that. Or look up the Bridge.

    The reason I asked about cals is let's say you were eating 4000 calories a day and BAM! You went down to 2500 calories. So, of course, you'd be stalled out. I would've gradually decreased the calories week by week.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by mattlifts View Post
    I'd switch to something like the HLM template and see how you do on that. Or look up the Bridge.

    The reason I asked about cals is let's say you were eating 4000 calories a day and BAM! You went down to 2500 calories. So, of course, you'd be stalled out. I would've gradually decreased the calories week by week.
    Didn't really count but probably in the neighborhood of 3000-3500. Just trying to shave off this fat so I can get back to caloric maintenance asap.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    You also probably stalled because you're still doing 5rms or trying to do 5rms instead of tapering down the reps while maintaining volume (e.g. 2x3, 3x2, 5x1) and now that you're stuck switcing rep ranges won't be as effective, especially while dieting.

    If you're already big and the program doesn't work on a diet, sometimes the diet can use adjustment while still being in a deficit, but usually it means the programming is inappropriate.

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