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Thread: Incurable stomach cancer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Incurable stomach cancer

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Stats (pre cancer, April 2016)

    Currently I'm 165lbs, the same weight I was my first day of starting strength and almost just as weak.

    Hey Jordan I just had surgery on Monday to remove a portion of my throat and stomach, unfortunately when the doctors opened me up they found thousands of tumours the size of grains of sand coving my insides. My doctors are giving me maybe a year. However my doctors also don't know jack shit about training or nutrition.

    My oncologist wants me to start more chemo, which is fine with me. chemo has been the only thing that has worked thus far in shrinking the largest tumor. He says there is a tiny chance I could still get better but I feel like he is just trying to keep my spirits up.

    I don't expect to make it to old age or even middle age but I'd do anything to make it just another couple years, anyway I was wondering if you or anyone else had any advise for me going forward regarding nutrition and/or training

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hey, I'm really sorry to hear this and I'll be honest, even though I don't know you- I feel for you man. I wish I had some more insight and understanding of how you're feeling right now, but that would only be transference of my own feelings of what's going on back onto you so I'll spare you.

    That all being said, I think the most practical solution for your training is going to be doing a sort of novice LP since you're detrained at the moment. You may have to make some modifications as far as how frequently and by how much you increase the load based on your recovery, since it's likely going to be complicated by the other stuff that's going on, but that's what I'd do training wise.

    From a nutritional standpoint, the biggest thing is going to be keeping weight on/gaining weight. I don't think it's terribly useful to get super anal about tracking macros at this point, but you may consider weighing yourself daily and using that to "auto regulate" your food intake.

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