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Thread: Suspected Quadriceps Tendon and Unrelated SI Joint Naggings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Suspected Quadriceps Tendon and Unrelated SI Joint Naggings

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    So, after weeks of ignoring mild knee pain that sometimes just didn't even occur while squatting, it got to a prohibitive level earlier today and I had to stop squatting 3 sets into a 5x5. This is problematic. I'm 99% sure it's the quadriceps tendon. The pain is at the end of the vastus medialis and right on top of the kneecap, AND it doesn't actually hurt to touch or anything, so I highly doubt it'd be any kind of stress fracture.

    It also only ever seems to hurt when I squat.

    Would the Starr Rehab spiel be a good idea for possible tendonitis, or no? Also, would the 800 mg of Ibuprofen four times a day for five days be a good idea (I've already started that, just FYI)? ALSO, is icing and then icy-hotting the knee a bad idea (I've been doing that as well, deal with it)? And any other ideas to get this recovered to the point I can fully train again as fast as possible would also be great. I have a meet on April 1st and it would be great to have use of both of my legs, all nice and fully trained and shit.

    ALSO, I hate to complain (Editor's Note: That is a lie), but it would be nice to have a sticky about the Starr Recover Protocol and Ibuprofen OD Protocol, because the search function on this site is just the drizzling shits. I spent 10 minutes trying to get it to work at all, gave up, and just searched Actual Google until I found the info I wanted.

    Also also, in a much more mild issue, what I suspect to be problems with my right SI joint are growing slightly. Not to the point that they actually inhibit any activity, but more than the usual barely noticeable ache. In response to this, I usually make double sure to foam roll, baseball roll (YOU try finding a Lacrosse ball in Bumblefuck KY), and stretch the bajeezus out of my hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Tends to work, but while I'm taking up bandwidth I thought I'd ask if anyone else has a novel was of dealing with such problems.

    Thanks for any suggestions that aren't "Donate to NASA, scrub!" or "Cyclists have a right to the road too!" or something else Steve would likely post.

    Injured Hobbit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    South Florida


    If it's tendonitis, the Ibuprofen protocol should knock it out. I've run it for 5 days without problems but no longer than that. Usually by day 3 or 4 I'm seeing improvement. I'd also suggest massaging / mashing the shit out of the angry tendon. Dig your thumbs in and go to town on it for several minutes several times a day - it should hurt. You could also foam roll or baseball it when you're home and your hands get tired. Try to figure out what caused it in the first place - bad form, etc, - and clean that up otherwise it will continue or resurface. I don't have quad-specific experience so can't point you somewhere to start looking, form-wise.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    I'm afraid, among other injuries, i'm in the same boat with the quad tendon. I have bilateral quad tendonopathy. A few things that are slowly working for me are tempo front squats, rolling, stretching, GF massage the area, and reducing squatting frequency.

    I would say that if you don' thave time to bleed because you got a meet coming up. I am still able to squat heavy if I wrap the living shit out of my tendon with basic "oly-style" knee wraps.

    Last note - my tendonopathy is in the portion of the tendon that connects to quadricep muscle, not the knee area but about 2 inches above. It sucks ass. Good luck.

    P.S. - I haven't personally tried this yet but after this strength block when i focus on rehabbing my quad tendon's I will. Try getting some serious acute trauma to the quads via a hack squat and wrap the shit out of the tendon. Once you hit a few sets of 20-30 and have a quad pump that will produce localized DOMS, release the wrap. I.E. some bastardized form of occlusion training. If you have seen people do "voodoo floss" for tendon problems this is a bit like that. Sometimes localized inflammation to an entire muscle group helps signal repair. At least in my experience.

    voodoo floss video - Voodoo Floss Bands: How do I use it? Fix your knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder PROBLEMS!!! - YouTube
    Last edited by silachoo; 02-14-2017 at 09:52 AM.

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