Not enough to work with here.
I'm following the steps, reading and rereading the chapter but I feel like my form sucks and my lower back is bulging? I could only do two reps (after failing to finish squats and press earlier). Do you guys recommend trying the same weight again or deloading and working back up?
I also struggle with a straight bar path on the squat, when I get to the bottom I move forward unintentionally then stand up. Do you recommend a deload on that to get the proper form down?
Thanks for the help,
Not enough to work with here.
Sorry about the earlier video. Here is one from this morning:
Any advice would be much appreciated, it looks like I'm rounding my low back, should my hips be lower?
Thanks a lot!
Hips are fine. Your back is not in extension, as you have noted. You need to SQUEEZE the chest up, raising the chest higher without lowering our hips. Al slack will come out of the arms and bar.
Ok, I'll do it. Thanks for taking the time to look!