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Thread: Deadlift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Clarence, NY

    Default Deadlift form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I've been doing SS for a few months now. Am finally getting around to posting some form checks. This is from my last warm-up set today. Just 1 rep. I wanted to show this set, which was my last set without a belt, so that you could get a better view of the hips and back.

    I've read and re-read the article about how to set up for the deadlift, so in principle I know what to do. Still, I was surprised to watch this video -- it looks like I am a classic case of dropping the hips too low, given by how my hips rise before the bar starts to move. Am I doing anything else wrong here? I royally screwed up my back on deadlifts a year and a half ago (well before starting SS) so I want to make sure I'm doing this right.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I think you need to read the sticky and do the deadlift setup exactly as specified there. I think you should wear some lifting shoes and give us a set of five at working weights, too. Yes, you are dropping your butt a little too low. Narrowing your stance a little and pointing your toes out slightly would not be bad ideas, either.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Clarence, NY


    Thanks, Tom. Appreciate the feedback. I had read the sticky several times and thought I was doing it, but from viewing the video I can now tell I wasn't. My next deadlift is Friday so I'll take a video of my working set then.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Clarence, NY


    Hi Tom -- here's a video of my working set from yesterday. In line with your suggestions, I've made a few changes: my feet are a bit closer together, toes pointed out more, I'm wearing my Chuck Taylors, and this is a set of five. I tried to follow the advice from the sticky and not drop my hips, etc. I look a bit goofy between reps 'finding my position' but I'm just trying to get used to the precise foot position and distance from the bar. How do these look?

    Thanks again for looking!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Alas, your butt is still a little too low on most reps. The bar is also not in contact with your legs at any point besides the bottom and the top. Drag the bar all the way up the legs. You want the bar in contact with the legs over the middle of the foot the whole time. This should help with both of the previous issues and it will make the deadlift feel far more stable. It is swinging out in front of you, which is less than good. Also, finish the rep. Stand all the way up at the top. You are leaning over at the point that you are ending your pull. By lifting shoes, I mean something more like this:

    Alas, the lifting shoe market has become a darker place, of late. Rogue used to sell my favorite pair of lifting shoes that were made by a company called Do-Win. You could get them for $120. Now, we are left with the Adidas and Nikes, which are quite expensive. Reebok has something called the CrossFit Lifter Plus 2.0, which may be okay, too. I haven't worn them, so I cannot say for sure. They certainly are ugly, however. At least they have a wide toe box, for which I give them credit. Inov8 also has a lifting shoe, but I worry the upper is too flexible. Once again, this is purely speculation on my part since I haven't worn them. Alas, all of these are between $150 and $200. A moment of silence for the Rogue Do-Wins, please.
    Last edited by Tom Campitelli; 11-11-2014 at 12:52 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Clarence, NY


    Thanks for the advice! I can see what you're saying about the bar distance from my leg and about not finishing the lift -- I'm not driving my hips forward enough at the end.

    As for the shoes, I think I'll get a pair of the Nikes -- thanks for the suggestion. On that note, I'm wondering if the lifting shoe recommendation is a general one you make to SS folks, or whether it's something to help me in particular given my body shape or technique? I thought that some people recommend deadlifting barefoot or with thin-soled shoes like the Chuck Taylors? I'm all for doing whatever will help me I'm just curious about the reason.

    One more shoe question, if you don't mind: Would I wear these for all the lifts instead of the Chuck Taylors, or just for the deadlift and power clean?

    Sorry, forgot one thing. My regular gym only has the hex plates. The last video I posted was at a gym out of town I was visiting. Could by psychological, but could the inch or so difference in diameter on the hex plates make any difference in form, or in the recommendation to buy the Nikes? I might have to end up looking for a new gym in the area to make good progress on the D/L.
    Last edited by Tom Campitelli; 11-12-2014 at 02:23 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I recommend shoes for everyone who trains with barbells. This gets discussed here a lot. It is also covered on page 68 of Starting Strength.

    Yes, I recommend shoes for deadlifts, too. The stability they provide is valuable. I wear my lifting shoes on every lift. Chucks are better than socks, but only because they slip less. Hex plates suck, but not because of the difference in height off the ground, if there is a difference. They make positioning the bar against the legs too difficult.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Clarence, NY


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks again, Tom. I'll go buy some shoes.

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