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Thread: Eastside Recap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Eastside Recap

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Eastside Recap
    You may think that returning to Eastside S&C in Redmond would become redundant. You would be wrong. Rip and crew have been there countless times, owners Michael Street and Carrie Klumpar have been friends and contributors to these seminars since their inception. Eastside has a dedicated and proven strength program and is in the process of forming a weightlifting team. They’ve hosted many Total meets and I have yet to meet an Eastside regular who doesn’t squat or know where to drink quality beer.

    There were many in the group this weekend that had very little previous barbell training and their ability to quickly change roles of coach to athlete was impressive. Everyone quickly realized that the expectations to understand and communicate the models of each lift were high. They also proved that though their experience is low, their abilities and strength potentials were much higher than they previously believed.

    It was great to see Jamey again and though she has been able to fix some of her lifting flaws since we saw her in November, her eye for coaching has improved considerably. I’m hoping (and I told her so!) she continues working on improving her lifts and continues the momentum gained last weekend. This goes for the rest of you too. You all worked very hard, keep up the good work. 20 year old Er-ICH is years ahead of many adults who are just learning now how to train and coach in useful ways. Although we didn’t have enough time to completely fix Dallas’ Power Clean, he’s equipped with the cues that worked for him to improve with each session and become more comfortable with the movement. Make sure you send updates Dallas!

    Meeting cool Canadians is always a pleasant surprise and Jason’s stories of “the Olympic riots that never were” were priceless. One of my favorite parts of the weekends is getting to know folks who post regularly on the forum, like Anchor. And I’m looking forward to hearing feedback from Travis who can give us some fresh comparisons on the former BB cert and the new Starting Strength seminar.

    Thanks to all for coming out. We’ll be heading back this way next fall. This is the closest we’ll be to Canada AND California for the rest of 2010 so hopefully we’ll see some of you there. We’d love to view some of your pics or hear from you about your experience last weekend. And as always, keep us posted on your training and coaching progress (I really mean that. I say it with every recap and few are keeping us posted and it's starting to piss me off. Phew, glad I got that off my chest.) I've figured out how to get pics up with the new camera and thought I'd throw one in there of a few of the staff training during the weekend also.

    If you are interested in a refresher of what you’ve learned last weekend, make sure you contact Josh about his weekend training sessions he’ll be holding at WFAC.
    Last edited by stef; 03-16-2010 at 01:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    North Vancouver, BC

    Default An awesome weekend

    A huge thank you to Rip, Stef, Juli and Josh for this amazing weekend and all the invaluable tips I picked up that will undoubtedly make my lifts so much better.

    For those of you who are reading these recap threads and still trying to decide whether to sign up for the seminar: don't hesitate, do it!

    Juli, thanks for posting that pic of me benching. What's Josh's email, I'd like to keep in touch with him regarding his weekend workshops at the WFAC.

    Thanks again,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Thanks to Rip and team

    Rip, Stef, Julie, Josh and Skeeter,

    Thanks for the time and effort you guys put in to make the SSS REdmond,WA a very good learning experience.
    The facilities were great and the knowledge and experience you brought to the table were immensely valuable. I would encourage people who are wondering if SSS is helpful to them, to sign up without hesitation. A good understanding of the basic texts as well as basic human anatomy is helpful in grasping the contents of the seminar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    thanks to staff and participants for your help and good company. it was nice to meet and learn from everyone. if you're on the fence, just do it, you won't be sorry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    And as always, keep us posted on your training and coaching progress (I really mean that. I say it with every recap and few are keeping us posted and it's starting to piss me off. Phew, glad I got that off my chest.)
    You didn't say that as part of the WFAC recap. Of course, I am just being a pain in the ass.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Seoul, South Korea


    Quote Originally Posted by jep6095 View Post
    Jason’s stories of “the Olympic riots that never were” were priceless.
    What was that all about?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Rip, Stef, Julie, Josh and Skeeter...
    Who are you? I don't recall anyone ever calling Street "Skeeter." I like it! I'm sure he does too.

    Tom C:
    Of course, I am just being a pain in the ass.

    What was that all about?
    You're in Canadia! If you don't didn't happen.
    Last edited by stef; 03-17-2010 at 03:01 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jep6095 View Post
    Metermanja: Who are you? I don't recall anyone ever calling Street "Skeeter." I like it! I'm sure he does too.
    sorry Street, i thought your name was skeeter. Apologies.

    metermanja - vijay

    some of the humor at the seminar was priceless!! Good god, deadlift instructions - "Shown me your ti**" .
    Last edited by stef; 03-17-2010 at 04:38 PM. Reason: fixed quote end

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    thanks for the refresher on the cue, vijay

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