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Thread: DHags Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default DHags Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey guys,
    I thought I'd start an online log to get input as well as log progress.

    A little about me:
    ~175lbs (maybe a little heavier I have been hitting the whole milk)
    Squat -5x3@230
    Bench 5x3 @185
    Press 5x3 @ 125
    Deadlift1x5 @ 305
    Clean 3x5 @140
    Max pullups x12

    I'm 21 years old. I did crossfit for a year, often doing multiple workouts a day while not eating enough. I have good stamina (cardiovascular) fitness, not right now after a couple weeks of more strength based work.

    I am attempting to play rugby for the first time while trying to get into more SS style programing so I can get stronger and be more solid overall. After being 160-165 lbs and not very strong, I am trying to dedicate myself to getting stronger.

    Tues- DL, Chins -Conditioning
    Weds- Rest
    Thurs- Squat, Bench
    Fri- Powerclean- PUs - Skill work or light conditioning
    Sat- Bench or Press Alt, with possibility of conditioning (dependent on how I feel).
    Sun- Off

    Right now I'm focused on getting my technique down on all my lifts, my DLs, and PCs are ugly at the moment so I'm trying to nail them and hopefully progress. I plan on following a SS style increments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat 3x5 @220
    Bench 3x5@175

    50 Wall balls for time -1.41

    Rugby conditioning tonight, so I did a sprint type met con, to potentially test later.

    Squats felt alright. Slightly heavy ,relative to me, but they all went up all right. Working on nailing my form.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Pullups- 13,10,8
    Handstand Holds- 1.41, .44,.55,.54,.44

    15 mins of Power Clean work, 2 on the minute @60lbs, 80lbs, and 90lbs.
    Just working on form and speed through the hips. I have a problem of semi-pausing after I clear my knees, its weird and a result of improper power cleans throughout high school.

    3 Rounds
    15 20# Ball Slams
    15 GHD BX

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009



    200m Row x16

    Just trying to work anaerobically, not trying to murder myself.
    Average was around 46 secs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Today 2/8/10
    Squat 225x3x5
    Press 125x3x5

    5 Rounds for time
    20 Double unders
    10 lunges with 45# plate held over head
    5 2 Pood KB swings

    Squats felt pretty good, trying to get my form down. Breathing was better.
    Press- last reps was a struggle, but I got it done.

    Metcon short and fast. DUs unbroken till last round.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Deadlift- Still struggling on form, I need some coaching it seems as if rounding the back is ingrained into my form. Did 240 and worked on form.
    Chins- 11,9,8 no progress on those unfortunately

    5 2pood Turkish get ups for fun.

    rugby conditioning- and 2 hrs of practice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    So lets call today Re-ta-did

    I meant to squar 3x5 at 230, but because I'm a moron and forgot that our bars are only 41 pounds (I have no Fing reason why), I loaded up 226 instead of 231. So my first two set were at 226 and felt really good. Last one at 231 wasn't bad but I fell onto my toes on the last rep and it was a bitch to get up. Need to get over my mental issues.

    Bench 3x5 at 180
    Last rep was a struggle but I got it up.

    Conditioning for rugby tonight. Need to eat more to aid recovery.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    PowerClean form work. Did around 20 mins of 3 rep sets from 90 to 105 lbs. Trying to correct some things and video it. The weight isn't difficult the proper form is.

    5 Rope Climbs- Untimed but did them within 10 mins. I have a fricken blister on my leg that always opens up when I climb so I took some time to tape that up.
    12 Mins Amrap of "Cindy"
    5 Pullups
    10 Pushups
    15 Squat- Used the bar- Trying to make sure im on my heals and pushing my kneels out. This is something I think I need to focus on in my next squat workout.
    7 Full rounds with 5 Pullups, 10 pushups, and 10 squats.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Forgot to Post Yesterday
    Row 5 Mins - 1 min off x 4

    Average around 1170 Meters
    First Set was 1265

    Felt good, need to recover and work on Squats on Monday. Focusing on staying on heals and driving out of the whole.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    So today I decided to try to narrow my stance on my squats in hopes of getting on my heels more. I narrowed the stance to right about shoulder width.
    I did one set at 225 but it was a struggle, second set didn't go over well at all. I dropped the weight and did 185x5, 190x5 in hopes of adjusting to the new stance. Hopefully this doesn't end up being a failed experiment

    Press 3x5 @ 131 - 4, 3,3 this was a bitch I think I'll try it again before I reset.

    5 Rounds
    20 Dbl Unders
    6 1.5 pood KB snatch left
    6-1.5pood kb snatch right
    12 pull ups


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