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Thread: Questions on Correct High Bar Squat Form

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Questions on Correct High Bar Squat Form

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    I've seen you recommend a few times on this forum the HB squat for those - like me - who have terrible shoulder ROM that is not fixed by exercises and/or vicious massages (i had 4 brutal massages on pecs and shoulders in ~ 6 weeks - it increased flexibility but not for the specific ROM that i need). i've doing SS for 3 months now.

    So, to prevent my wrists from breaking off during squats since they are bent in a LB squat, i've moved to a high bar. But there is little on the web about form, so I thought I'd ask you:

    am i supposed to:

    1) push out my knees, as i do with low bar?

    2) "sit back" on the descent?"

    3) perform hip drive?

    4) look down a few feet in front of me?

    5) stand in a wide stance?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    1. Yes, hip mechanics will be approximately the same.

    2. Yes, but the position of the bar will produce a steeper back angle so that not as much hip emphasis is either possible or useful.

    3. Not in the sense that is possible in the low-bar position. Just keep your torso tight and think about the bar.

    4. Sure.

    5. No, the stance would be about the same as any correct squat used for general strength-training purposes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Wichita Falls, TX


    Rip, should he also continue his battle for more flexible shoulders, or are some people never going to achieve the flexibility required for the squat you teach?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Depending on age and the actual shoulder pathology, it may never get fixed. Ronnie Hamilton, you know.

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