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Thread: Failed some squats - what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Failed some squats - what to do?

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    I believe the books say that when you fail a lift (in this case squats) you're supposed to make sure you're eating enough/sleeping enough/etc-ing enough and then retry 2 more times. If you still fail then you de-load 10% then introduce light squats/microloading/possibly more assistance exercises. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

    I'm at 127.5kg / 280lbs and I weigh 88kg/193lbs @ 6'2. Did first set but each rep was a fucking horrible grind with a little bit of good morning-ing starting to happen. This is my first failed set since I resumed training but I've been able to tell for a while that the reps are becoming more and more intense, heading over to 5rm territory with long breaks (close to 10 minutes).

    Anyway, my questions:

    1/ Does the weight sound about to right to first fail a set of squats?

    2/ Do I need to gain more weight? I realise I should be in the low 200lbs/100kgs but I'm guessing some of that would come naturally from increasing the lifts and gaining more muscle. I don't have a caliper handy but I'm not far off starting to get some love handles.

    3/ Would light squats help? Today's fail at 280lbs was after a weekend (obviously), meaning I had an extra day to recover and still couldn't complete the squats, which makes me think light squats in my last session might not have helped in today's case?? Also, if I were to de-load by 10%, would I introduce the light squats immediately or wait until I get back up to my highest completed working sets and start from then?

    I don't have PP on hand so sorry if it's been asked before. I want to get it sorted ASAP so I can resume my squat progress.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    1/ There really is no correct weight to stall at. You stall when you stall. Its an individual thing.
    2/ Yes, gain more weight...Eat more protein...more than you think is necessary. You are my height and I have 80 lbs on you. Granted I can stand to lose about 15. I'm not fat...but I used to be a bodybuilder and sometimes I want to see my abs; so I have that mental problem...but that's my problem..You need protein protein protein. Don't eat crap to gain weight. Don't overdo the carbs.
    3/One thing at a time. Eat more protein and see if you don't get the reps. If you don't get the more protein and reset. If you STILL don't get the more protein, reset, and give yourself a light day.

    The biggest thing need to feed the machine what it needs. Get the correct fuel and you will be surprised.

    Good luck Kregna

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I weigh just a few pounds more than you at 5'8", so you probably can stand to gain a few pounds. My first stall was 305 from what I can remember, then I reset and worked up to 330 before finally stalling and switching to TM.. now, I'm at 305 x 5 x 5 for my volume day.

    My vote is to evaluate whether it's the weight or something else (sleep, food, etc) that caused the fail. I'd try it again regardless and move to Advanced Novice with a light day in the middle. If you reset, progress with a light day, it'll give you a running start for when you get back up to these weights.

    How much are you increasing the weight between workouts?

  4. #4
    stonerider Guest


    i love people saying you need to gain weight... my brother was the exact same size as you (okay, actually he was 200lbs by the end) and got to 400lbs on SS

    anyway, like the book says, try the same weight next session, and give your habits an honest once-over to determine if there has been a lack of food/sleep/rest to interrupt your recovery

    i had my first stall at around 300, and i managed well into the 400s by the time i was done with SS, so it's not crazy to stall at 280

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    SR, what did you change to get into the 400s after you stalled at ~300? And what was your weight/height when you were done? You and your brother are probably genetic freaks anyways

  6. #6
    stonerider Guest


    i didn't change anything

    i reset 10% like the books says to... eventually i had to up my calories a little and go to advanced novice

    178cm 93kg at the end of SS

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by stonerider View Post
    i love people saying you need to gain weight... my brother was the exact same size as you (okay, actually he was 200lbs by the end) and got to 400lbs on SS

    anyway, like the book says, try the same weight next session, and give your habits an honest once-over to determine if there has been a lack of food/sleep/rest to interrupt your recovery

    i had my first stall at around 300, and i managed well into the 400s by the time i was done with SS, so it's not crazy to stall at 280
    "Gaining weight" was meant to mean "put on more muscle". He said he was getting a little flabby at 197 or whatever he weighed. When I was 197, I had very little visible subcutaneous fat on my body. I was super cut. To me being flabby at 6-2, 197 means that he is in need of some muscle. So he's going to have to gain some weight to put on that muscle.

    I was in no way saying that he needed to pile on some pounds and get fat. In fact, I suggested that he look at his protein intake and possibly increase it and not to go crazy on the carbs.

    Either way, he needs more muscle if he is 6-2 and getting flabby at 197.

  8. #8
    stonerider Guest


    why does he need more muscle? because you think he does? maybe he just wants to get stronger and not bigger (which will be a byproduct at some point)

    everyone is built differently and gains muscle/fat at different rates

    this is his FIRST stall, he doesn't need to change anything if everything is in order

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    I'm the same height as you but 15 pounds heavier. I stalled/became afraid at a much lighter weight
    than you and then would quit the program from fear and just feeling beat up and humiliated.
    Keep in mind if it stops being fun you might well stop doing it, dont risk this just to gain 50 pounds
    on your squat and land up doing nothing. After two years of this I switched to Bill Starr's plan.
    I dont have Marks newer books, mine is the original beige one.

    Mon 5 x 5 ramped sets (only one work set) In your case 280 pounds
    Wed 4 x 5 take of 40 -50 pounds of your top set on Monday and use this for your top set. Top set 200 pounds or so
    Friday 4 x 5 and one triple with 5 pounds more than your Monday top weight. In your case 285 for 3 reps.

    On the following Monday the new triple you did becomes your new 5 rep top set.

    After awhile squating 3 times a week just irked the heck out of me and Oldster helped me set up
    my current plan that I'm enjoying. Deadlifts are a breeze for me but Squats are very difficult.
    Last edited by hunter308; 03-26-2012 at 11:47 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Manchester, NH


    starting strength coach development program
    What Kong said. Also you had a question about the light days effect and I can tell you I feel a lot better recovery wise after my light day squats on TM. Sore while warming up on Wednesdays but feel a lot better after the work sets are done.

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