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Thread: 13 Nutrition Lies That Made The World Sick And Fat

  1. #1
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    Default 13 Nutrition Lies That Made The World Sick And Fat

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    I've come across an article and thought it may be of interest to you. I pretty much agree with everything it says, and his arguments seem to backed by "science". If you have the time I'd appreciate any thoughts and observations you may have.

    13 Nutrition Lies That Made The World Sick And Fat

    P.S. If interested there's also 9 Lies About Fat That Destroyed The World's Health

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    That's pretty much spot on. Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Thanks, sent to several folks who have argued some of the lies with me for years. I think many of them were politically driven by agendas. Good to see some science rather than emotional arguments about the subject.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Los Alamos, NM


    Picking a philosophical fight.

    During my long lifetime I've experienced the coming of
    most of the claims on this list, both good and bad.

    Why should we, the layman, believe the new claims? Fool me once...

    I suppose nutritional science has gotten better, but I also imagine good controlled experiments and/or good correlational studies are still very difficult.

    Furthermore, nutrition as a "wellness" industry is large and thriving where radical ideas do very well. Really no different than selling green or terroristic fear mongering.

    Finally, my sister in law, who is the poster child for orthorexia, believes wheat is the end of civilization and that sugar causes cancer. This is compelling evidence that it simply can't be true. She's an idiot!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bcharles123 View Post
    Why should we, the layman, believe the new claims? Fool me once...
    The layman should not believe anything that is relevant / important for his situation. Instead he should get educated well enough on the subject to form an opinion, also understanding that there may be others with more knowledge / information or those who have thought a little harder about it.

    Coming to believe the first thing one reads / hears about something important demonstrates lazyness or lack of critical thinking ability. The same applies to rejecting new ideas entirely based on who believes in them.

  6. #6
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    The only thing in that article I think needs clarification is the part about fructose. The author states that fructose is bad as added sugar but not as sugar in fruit. It is my understanding that, when you remove the juice from the fruit, you remove this protection that the fiber provides and you are, for all intents and purposes, consuming the equivalent as added sugar. The only reason I point this out, is that I get in this debate with my wife with regards to my kids. She touts that we don't drink soda. I point out that the kids drink shit tons of juice. She then points to arrivals like this as saying juice is fine. I disagree that it's fine. I don't care that the kids drink a little juice, but I doubt that it's a huge improvement over drinking a little 7-up.

  7. #7
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    Pure fructose is much, much worse than glucose IMO. Fruit juice is junk too, though depending on the amount it's likely fine. Diet soda is fine too, except for cavities.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven-miller View Post
    The layman should not believe anything that is relevant / important for his situation. Instead he should get educated well enough on the subject to form an opinion, also understanding that there may be others with more knowledge / information or those who have thought a little harder about it.

    Coming to believe the first thing one reads / hears about something important demonstrates lazyness or lack of critical thinking ability. The same applies to rejecting new ideas entirely based on who believes in them.
    Of course. But if you knew my sister in law....she buys organic plastic wrap. But that being said, I am an expert level skeptic. As such, the 13 points in the article should be treated with the same criticality as the original claims the author disputes.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bcharles123 View Post
    But if you knew my sister in law....she buys organic plastic wrap.
    I'd probably make it 30 seconds before I smothered her with said plastic wrap....

    This was a pretty good read and I've book marked it for later. One thing I hate about the preachy types is they never realize how situational diet can be. I'm 6'1" 185lbs, I lift and I'm trying to gain weight. I need to eat a lot, and sometimes it doesn't always look the healthiest, but please, 200lb middle-aged woman, tell me how I should be eating organic spinach instead of romaine and why diet soda is making me fat.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    Diet soda is fine too, except for cavities.
    Seriously? you think artificial sweeteners are ok? I would prefer sugar over them though I fully agree that sugar is bad.

    two mates, my gf and her mom all stopped experiencing regular headaches when they cut out artificial sweeteners. I get instant headaches myself when I accidentally consume them.

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