Week 2 (cont.):
Squats 260x5, 295x5, 330x8
I guess I am still adjusting to the program: I did sets of 5 instead of sets of 3. I gave myself a little longer between the last two sets to recuperate and with a few extra grunts managed to get my 8 reps.
Did some light snatches and overhead squats as assistance, but was mostly just satisfied with the big fat work set.
Some thoughts...Loving working out four days a week. I think the reason it works is the lower volume the program calls for, but with this routine I don't get soft and lazy between workouts, which was a problem that affected my motivation before. It might be too early to make any definitive statements, though.
Also, after going back and forth for a while, I decided not long ago to stick with the high bar squat. The narrower stance feels more natural for me, and with my knee bands (TK brand!) squatting is downright comfortable these days. I mention this because someone else said something similar on the forum recently. I agree.
Anyway, a nice day.
(BTW, I am 27. For two more months, at least.)