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Thread: Overhead Press Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Overhead Press Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    HI again coach

    Just over a weeks ago I posted some squat videos on here. I actually had a press video as well, but I realized they were so bad that I decided to leave them out.

    I've made considerable progress with all my exercises, except for the press. Naturally, the press is my weakest exercise. But I also happen to have a shoulder injury. The physiotherapist told me it's a rotator cuff injury, but after 2 months of therapy nothing happened and I still feel the pain on some movements.

    So my injury made me start the press very light: just the bar, then I added 5lb each time for a couple of workouts, then it got reduced to 2.5lb. In my 2nd to last workout, which is the video I'm going to post, I did 86.125lb x 4/4/3. SOrry about the angle, but I didn't no better at that time. I tried to take a new video during my last workout. I dropped 12.50lb to work on form (bringing elbows more forward, moving the bar closer to my face, and trying to figure out why my left hand is behind my right one. That's actually my brother telling me on each rep to bring my left side forward.

    Anyways, I thought I'd post the video anyways to get a critique, even though I felt shame after watching myself in this video:

    This is the 2nd set:

    Thanks, Coach.
    Oh, one final question: do I keep my rogue do-win shoes on while I do my overhead and bench presses? Or should I wear something flat?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    There is nothing terribly wrong with these presses, certainly nothing that would account for them lagging behind your other lifts. If you're alternating them with the bench, start doing 2 press workouts for every bench workout for a few weeks and see if that helps it catch up. And wear your lifting shoes when you press so that your heels do not squish.

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