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Thread: Drills to improve squats. Worthwhile?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Drills to improve squats. Worthwhile?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    I came across an article about improving squats and am wondering if any of it has real value. The article has several drills including one that has you stand facing a wall and squatting. They describe it as follows:

    What is it: A squat performed while standing close to and facing the wall, with your hands against the wall. No other part of your body is permitted to touch the wall.

    How to do it: Stand a foot's width (as opposed to a foot’s length) away from the wall in a shoulder-width stance. Stretch your arms out above your head and place them against the wall, with your arms parallel. Send your hips back and lower yourself down under control into a perfect full squat, with your hands remaining against the wall, but not allowing your head or torso to touch the wall.

    Focus on: Pushing your knees out and keeping your chest up - both of which will stop you from hitting the wall and help you to maintain optimal back position and torso angle while hitting a deep squat. Also try to keep your arms as vertical as possible.

    I tried this and found it to be very difficult to keep my torso upright. I suppose it is to improve high bar, front and overhead squats. Thoughts?

    The full article is at

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Do not do any of those drills if you're not yet proficient at performing the SS Model of low bar squats correctly. Leaving aside discussing their merit, they will teach you a pattern of upright torso front squatting that will impede your learning and development of the correct low bar mechanics.

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