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Thread: Hamstring tendonitis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Lund, Sweden

    Default Hamstring tendonitis

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    I've been struggling with upper hamstring pain since June last year. The pain is located at the hamstring origin (at the ischial tuberosity), and hurts when I bend at the hips with a straight back. I can't squat or deadlift without any pain. The injury occurred when doing RDL, and got worse when I squatted (~380 lbs).

    • Tried Starr Rehab, it worked for a while but the pain comes back at around 160 lbs squat.
    • Thorough massage with foam roller and lacrosse ball, didn't help.
    • Met with a PT, he gave me the usual exercises. Standing on a vibrating platform while squatting, some bodyweight exercises, but as expected this didn't help.
    • PT sent me to a doctor which resulted in a ultrasound, which showed inflammation in a bursa (this is about as specific as I can get..), I got a cortisone shot, but it didn't help at all.
    • Now I'm finally seeing a ART practitioner, I've seen him about six sessions (or two months), he has been working around the hips. Periodically there are some improvements, but as soon as I start to slowly increase the weight in the squat the pain returns.

    The practitioner I'm seeing wants me to squat lightly and work on my trunk/abs, just to make sure that I don't overextend my lower back and hamstrings. Not sure if this will help, but that's what I'm trying right now.
    I'm wondering if any of you have worked with something similar, and what you did to make it better? Any ideas are appreciated, I just can't figure this out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    We'll throw this out there and see if anyone has ideas. Bursitis can be a serious bitch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Korea Incheon


    It's not hamstring tendonitis but i want share my some story.
    Two years ago,i had a serious tendonitis on my elbow.It cames when i press incorrectly with too much volume.
    After that i couldn't do 20lb press and even knee assisted push up.
    I tried all method like you such as vicious massage,ART,roller,cortisone shot,PRP injection etc etc.
    Anything doesn't helped me by 0.03%.
    When i realized that everything doesn't works,I started to training.I had to.
    I remember my approaching to rehab was similar with Starr rehab.
    Started by doing 10lb dumbell press,bench press,chin up.I gradually put the weight but there was some limited point that putting more weight is really painful like hell and felt my soft tissue is destroyed.
    But i was kept the training and after agreesive couple of month rehab,I was able to handle adequate weight with 12~15reps.but pain and tweking my elbow was still remains.
    I kept struggling to aproach to heavy reps.
    When i was able to handle some weight,i used to big jump to 5reps or increase the weight too much suddenly.It was stupid and felt like Re-injured.
    Then I was increase the weight very carefully and down the reps with patient.
    i.e.12s->11s->10s->9s->8s and eventually reached 5s and everything was healed.It was needed for more than five months.
    That rehab period,when i was trained,I felt that my tendon is tweaked and sometimes screamed out(when i alone in the gym)due to severe pain.
    I think gradually adapting heavy weight with gradually downing the reps was key of overcoming tendonitis.
    So my 0.02 is that you just trained through the pain although it is severe.
    I remember I used to ask to Rip "Does chronic tendonitis can be healed really?" Rip said "Yes"
    On the forum,you can see the Rip's opinion on the tendonits.That always will be 'training'.
    We know that training is always superior than every method.We overcame many tendonitis with training.No needed fancy stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Lund, Sweden


    Thanks for the story.
    Right now I'm testing how eccentric leg curl works (DOMS for like a week..), but yes, the next step might have to be very very slow progression.
    The problem with this particular injury has been that the pain comes very suddenly, and I'm usually able to make pretty steady progression until
    the pain comes back. I did try to train through it once - using ibuprofen - but it got too intense and I made no progression.

    But I'm right with you on the training part, resting won't help at all.

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