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Thread: Lifetime Goals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    In The Rat's Mouth

    Default Lifetime Goals

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been thinking about this lately and begun compiling a list of goals that I would like to achieve. I've also began writing what I have been doing to achieve it and what I need to work on.
    Maybe goals isnt the best word, sort of a a base level of fitness that I am striving for and would like to at the very least, maintain.

    Squat: 400 lbs
    Bench: 300
    Press: 200

    What I am doing to achieve this and what I need to work on
    Ever since I was forced into a twice a week schedule, I have been having programming issues. My squat is progressing nicely and my deadlift is moving enough to satisfy me. My bench and press have stagnated or even slightly regressed, I need to figure something out.

    KB OALC 10 RPM with 35lb bell.

    Right now it will be measured with the kettlbell oalc because that's that all I have. ideally I would use a rower or an airdyne or some other form of low impact cardio for 30-45 minutes.

    What I am doing to achieve this and what I need to work on
    Right now I am practicing the oalc once a week and its working (newb gainz). I will reevaluate when I start struggling.

    I want to feel good. I don't want my lat cramping up when I turn to reach the back seat in my car.
    What I am doing to achieve this and what I need to work on
    I am basically doing nothing on this end. Maybe standing and doing some hip flexor streches and back bends at work every hour or so. I want to include one or two yoga/mobility sessions every week. I will start with a 20 min session on Saturdays starting tomorrow.

    Ok, now its your turn. Go!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Mr. Silman's dead on. By the time I get close to reaching my "lifetime" goals, I always realize that I set my sights too low.

    I thought squatting 300 was going to be a big deal. I thought I'd be "strong enough"

    Then I squatted 300 and realized what a weak-sauce goal that was.

    Now I'm within sight of 400/405, which I once thought was beastly strong. It's mediocre, at best, around here. About as exciting as wallpaper paste.

    Lifetime goal? No idea. Short term goals: 405/250/500 squat/bench/dead
    Medium term goals: 225 press, 300 bench, 450 squat, 600 dead
    Long term goals: Find inner peace
    Lifetime goals: That's just crazy talk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    I'd like to crush my enemies and see them driven before me. Also a 660 deadluft would be cool

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by RugbySmartarse View Post
    I'd like to crush my enemies and see them driven before me. Also a 660 deadluft would be cool
    A 300kg deadlift is the friggin' definition of cool in my hood.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    lifetime goals are hard to set. Like mahogany, I set some goals when i started that i thought would be the pinnacle for me. I broke them all within a year. Right now I have 1 goal, break the Georgia USAPL squat record at 181 which is 529lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    I'm working on - and getting closer to - achieving the 225 press/315 bench/405 squat/495 deadlift thing. I'd like to be able to do that and hit my 3x15 chin numbers. I figure that handles both strength and fatness, since I'd have to be relatively in shape to hit the chins goal.

    After that, I want to switch to a less time-intensive program like 5/3/1 and pick some kind of martial art and get as good as I can at it. There's an MMA gym in my neighborhood that I've been thinking of joining when I get a little closer to my lifting numbers.

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