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Thread: Adding Paused squats to advanced novice routine in back off sets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Adding Paused squats to advanced novice routine in back off sets

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    I have searched the forum but i can't find a thread anywhere asking this exact question. There are a few similar threads but they concern using pause squats in the texas method which is not my question.

    On the SS advanced novice program once a trainee switches to 1x5 squats, would any benefit be gaining from doing the two back off sets as paused squats instead of regular?

    In my head it doesn't seem like a bad idea but then again to you guys it might seem like another excuse not to just do the fucking program.

    I'm not actually at this point in the program yet but was just wondering as many strong people on the internet are singing the praises of pause squats for raw lifters.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    Advanced Novice doesn't do 1x5, it has Wednesday as a light day.

    Answer to your question, no.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I believe the OP is referring to some of the options mentioned in PP3 as the novice progression is in its waning days. One option is to do a heavy set of five and two back off sets at 5 to 10% below the heavy set. I agree with Mac that there is not a convincing reason to use paused squats instead of regular squats. Complexity is a very tempting mistress. Keep shit as simple as you can for as long as you can. Get good at squatting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Yeah that right i'm aware advanced novice still uses 3x5, i was refering to the single set of 5 rippetoe advocates in the final stage of novice progression. Thanks alot for the responses guys, i won't be doing pause squats when i make it to that stage. Just an idle thought.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    iron anus?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by ironanus View Post
    Yeah that right i'm aware advanced novice still uses 3x5, i was refering to the single set of 5 rippetoe advocates in the final stage of novice progression. Thanks alot for the responses guys, i won't be doing pause squats when i make it to that stage. Just an idle thought.
    Better asked and learned, than tried, failed, and learned.

    FWIW, this shit is really hard at the end of Novice phase. Leaving the novice phase is a two edged sword. There are "easy days" but gains come very slowly by comparison. If I could go to the gym and work as hard as I currently am and gain 15lbs a week on my squat, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm freaking lucky to gain 15lbs in 6 months.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mac Ward View Post
    Better asked and learned, than tried, failed, and learned.

    Agreed. I feel like i had somewhat of an epiphany regarding the rippeote squat yesterday-managed to shove knees forward and out first, lean more forward and the movement suddenly became very hip dominant. No high bar squat bounce off the knees at the bottom but instead a very strong stretch reflex from the hips. Just feel somehow like everything clicked and made sense and i can see why it would be important to practice the squat without omitting the stretch reflex to become proficient.

    FWIW, this shit is really hard at the end of Novice phase. Leaving the novice phase is a two edged sword. There are "easy days" but gains come very slowly by comparison.

    Yeah, i'm going to do my utmost to remain on novice programming until i attain a 4 plate squat so it may get tough towards the end. I weigh 230+ currently at 6'2 so im hoping this will be doable.

    If I could go to the gym and work as hard as I currently am and gain 15lbs a week on my squat, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
    I think alot of people, myself included, don't realise how effective a simple novice routine would be done 3x a week with some effort and don't make as fast progress as they could initially. For the first months of lifting weights, i did all kinds of stupid shit which i didn't need to. If i could go back and start and just do the fucking program from scratch i definately would.

    I'm freaking lucky to gain 15lbs in 6 months.
    Have you ever run Smolov?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtN View Post
    iron anus?
    An anus of iron.

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