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Thread: My Visit to MuscleDriver and an Oly Practice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default My Visit to MuscleDriver and an Oly Practice

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    (re-post. not sure if this went through)
    I dropped in to Muscle Driver this Friday for their fall open meet and greet on Friday. I wasn't able to stay for the meet, but I was able to hang out with James Tatum and others. Glenn Pendlay is not a talker. Like, at all. Anyway, my visit got me all amped up about training and I want to compete in their next open event in the spring.

    I've never snatched, or C&J'd before and I wanted to get your thoughts on how to proceed as I train like a demon this fall/winter. My basic idea is to gain another 10lbs to get up to 230 for the 105 class. I need to rehab this injury and finish the advanced novice LP, at which point I thought I would move into the Basic TM template to develop the power snatch. Then maybe 2-3 months out move to either the TM hybrid or a 3 or 4 day HLM setup to learn the full lifts. I think it will take me some time just to get to where I can complete a full overhead squat or for my jerk to catch up to even what I am power cleaning.

    In the Basic TM, is there any room for doing some LIGHT technique work on the oly movements? Mainly just Jerk and OHS with the bar or 95lbs or maybe 135?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    If you're sleeping and eating appropriately, I don't think light technique work on, say, Weds and Sat on the traditional M/W/F Texas Method schedule will ruin anything for you. If you actually keep it light, you should be OK. However, I'm skeptical of most people's ability to do so. Those tough enough to push hard through the TM are the type of people who are going to want to push to see what they can do on the olympic lifts, and not be satisfied with lighter technique work. And once you do that, being able to keep up with the very demanding TM schedule will become difficult if not impossible.

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