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Thread: Forearm Pain During Press

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Forearm Pain During Press

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    I am having issues on my press where I get shooting/tingling sensations through my forearms while lowering the weights from lockout. It usually occurs once the bar passes my forehead and is on the way towards my shoulders. Can you take a look at my videos and tell me if you see anything that might be causing this pain? I took one side view of my second set and a back view of my third set of five at 125.

    I had golfers elbow in my right arm that I think was due to a combination of improper grip during squat and overuse of a computer mouse. I have corrected my squat grip and have changed to a vertical mouse. I also took a long break from strict press and worked on my jerk instead. My elbow is now feeling better but the pain during press shows up in both arms. It used to only show up in my right arm when I had golfers elbow. It's not so much a hurt pain as it is just an uncomfortable sensation.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Can you be more specific about where the pain is? Also, what are you deadlifting right now for a set of five? Your grip on the presses is a little too wide and your wrists are almost fully extended. I would fix those as per the book. That may buy you some relief, too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    I don't know much about anatomy, but looking at this picture it seems like I'm feeling the pain in either the palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, or the flexor digitorum superficialis. This is assuming that the picture is detailing the palm side of the forearm. The sensation I get feels like a rubber band that is pulled taut that is being plucked.

    My ulnas are slightly longer than my radii which is not very common according to a doctor I saw. I think this forces me to extend my wrists further to get the bar in the correct position over my wrist. I'll re-read the grip section again.

    I just pulled 345 for my last 5RM and felt like I had some more in the tank.

    Just FYI my best 1RM to date while I was on TM and bulking:
    SQ - 365
    B - 255
    DL - 380
    P - 145 (5RM)
    PC - 225

    I'm currently on HLM and cutting slowly. 5'10" started at 175, was up to 210, currently at 203.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Well, you are deadlifting something more than 185, which is good. Deadlifts can sometimes help people experiencing wrist and forearm issues. Here's my suggestion: get a massage. See if it helps.

    My ulnas are slightly longer than my radii which is not very common according to a doctor I saw.
    How did your doctor make this determination?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    I had a mountain bike wreck where I landed head first and tried to stop myself with my right arm resulting in an elbow sprain and ulnar impaction along with a broken helmet and a concussion. He took an x-ray and told me about my ulnae being longer and that not being common.

    I had ART on my forearm/elbow when I was having golfers elbow pain, but I wasn't pressing during that time. I'll start rolling my forearms more often with a lacrosse ball and I'll try and see if a massage helps.

    Thanks, Tom!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    I just started rolling my forearm with a lacrosse ball at my desk and I've already found plenty of tender spots in my forearms around the areas I pointed to on the anatomy picture!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    The wrist extension is definitely going to exacerbate your tendon problems. See it all the time in clinic. I suspect it's also putting some serious stretch on said muscles. Get the wrists aligned properly as Tom said.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    I rolled my forearms a few times this week with the lacrosse ball. I tried pressing today with my hands closer together and my wrists more straight. My forearms felt much better. I only got the pain on two of the reps instead of on the majority of them. Thanks for the tips!

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