I'm about 20% bodyfat and trying to slowly lose some, so I can still make strength gains. I was using Reverse Pyramid Training and got burnt out due to too much intensity. I think I need to back off a bit and work my way up on a program like Madcow. From what I've read this would be a better choice then TM when attempting to this. (I prefer the way TM is laid out in terms of lifts used)

My question is: I know it says that it would be reasonable to change Rows to PCs and Deads to High-Pulls. Does anyone have any experience with doing PCs on M/F and leaving the Deads on Wed, while trying to lose some fat? Do you think doing both, and pulling from the floor 3 days a week is too much.

Also I'm weak as shit, so that probably makes a difference.

1 rep maxes:

Squat: 250 (I recently switched from LB to HB and I'm 6'6 with tendonitis, so these are hard for me)
Bench: 255
Press: 165
Deadlift: 365
PC: 185 (I like the idea of doing these twice a week so I can work on form more and get better at them)

Do you think If I set the program up to hit my 5RM is 4-6 weeks I'd be setting myself up for success? My diet is good and I just eat more on training days and less on rest days type of thing.