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Thread: The Road to Dawn - Kain's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Cool The Road to Dawn - Kain's Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hi ho everyone!

    After spending quite a lot of time reading through training logs the past couple of months I decided to start one of my own. I'm a 6/7, 240 lb 22-year old English-born South African living in Chile. About 2 years ago I suffered an intense emotional trauma that left me in a comatose state that I awoke from at the beginning of the year. My first thought was to bust some ass in the gym and try to get my life back together. I followed Rip's work before the trauma and hope to one day attain the SSC certification and preach what I love to others. Suffice it to say I still suffer from episodic bouts of despair and hopelessness but I've been working through it with help from family and my therapist. Funny that part of the idea behind posting this log was the therapist's idea, but I digress. Hopefully, I'm stronger than my problems! Oh, and the last time I competed was prior to the trauma in early 2011, but I hope to compete again later this year, provided my lifts are worth a damn!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    I'm currently running a Texas Method/ME Movement programme, and today was heavy bench press day.

    Bench Press
    I really wanted to make 5 repetitions but the last rep just wouldn't budge. I tried it for another set after resting about 5 minutes and the last rep still wouldn't budge. I'm quite upset about this! Hopefully I'll pull it off in another week.

    These went up surprisingly easily despite the aforementioned failed bench press. At the very least I'm making some progress here. I was pressing more weight but I made some adjustments to my form and I feel much better as a result (I suffered a dislocated shoulder a few years ago and I noticed my grip was a bit too wide so I narrowed it down).

    10, 10, 10, 8, 7
    These felt really good so today wasn't a complete disaster!

    Weighted Dips

    Supersetted with:

    Band Pull-Aparts (Prehab)
    Last edited by Kain; 08-13-2014 at 01:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Today I did something light:

    30 minutes: RPE 6

    Ivanko Super-Gripper

    Hopefully, tomorrow's volume day won't kill me..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    Welcome to the forum, Kain. Sorry to hear about your recent troubles. I hope your training and keeping this log is helpful to you. Good luck with your training!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Thank you John! I am most humbled to be graced by your presence; I am a BIG fan of yours!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Well, as expected, today's volume squat day did not go as planned. The reasons for this are two-fold: First, I was feeling pretty beat-up. Second, the floor on which the rack rests is comprised of wood that sinks under any load above 225 lbs. This equates to squatting on a marshmallow or balance board, which is noticeably affecting my performance. Either that or I'm in deeper shit than I thought. On the flip-side, I'm helping the gym to build a platform in, and around, the rack. This should hopefully fix, or at least reduce the problems this irritatingly unstable flooring is causing. Next February the flooring will be replaced with concrete, so hopefully this serves a purpose until then. What possessed them to allocate the free weights on a wooden floor I'll never know. But I digress. If you've made it this far, this is what I did today:

    350x5 (I was going to do this for 5x5, but after the 5th rep I was destroyed, so I toned it down the following 4 sets. This was tremendously upsetting)

    Rack Pulls

    Makeshift GHR

    Makeshift Reverse Hyper

    Grrrr, this was a major setback. Hopefully, tomorrow (volume bench day) will be promising!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Well volume bench day sucked as well, go figure. I started out with presses but my elbows were aggravated beyond belief so benching was impossible, as was about anything else. As a result I shut it down there and left. My goal for the day was to bench 300x5x5, but it just didn't pan out. Fast forward today, I tried it again with the same result, so I biked for a little bit and called it a day.

    170x5 (After which my elbows started acting up)

    30 minutes: RPE 4

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Kain View Post
    Thank you John! I am most humbled to be graced by your presence; I am a BIG fan of yours!
    That is very nice of you to say, Kain. While I don't really see why anybody would be a fan of a lifter as painfully average as myself, I appreciate the complement. Sorry to see your training hasn't gone as planned over the last few days. Hopefully you get back on track this coming week.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by John Petrizzo View Post
    That is very nice of you to say, Kain. While I don't really see why anybody would be a fan of a lifter as painfully average as myself, I appreciate the complement. Sorry to see your training hasn't gone as planned over the last few days. Hopefully you get back on track this coming week.
    If this is "painfully average", then I'm a hell of a lot weaker than I thought haha. Among the other so-called "painfully average" lifters, I'm also quite the fan of Wolf, Rori, Jordan, Rob, and Sarah. Hope I get to meet some, if not all, of you someday!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Intensity Squat day! Oh how I was DREADING this day. Apart from my irritatingly rickety elbows, it was not a bad session.

    365x5 (My elbows were bothering me after this so I opted for some front squats as opposed to deload sets)

    Front Squat
    305x5x5 (These went up a hell of a lot easier than I was expecting them to)

    Makeshift GHR
    10,8,7,6,6 (Yeah I was pretty beat-up by these but they felt REALLY good)

    Decline Weighted Sit-Ups

    Overall, not a bad session, although I'm pissed off that my elbows are flaring up as much as they are.

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