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Thread: Testosterone levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest

    Default Testosterone levels

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    I just got some results back from my clinic where I had blood drawn and some tests ran. Just your normal stuff along with a physical.

    My brother found when he went in that he had low, VERY low testosterone levels. Normal is 280-800, his were 60. Wow! So, when I had my blood drawn I asked to have my testosterone level checked, just in case.

    Well, I just got my results back. Mine were barely 200, not even up to the low end of the range and I'm to make an appointment asap to discuss my results. So I have some questions now.

    First, anyone else find they have low testosterone? Even in my 50's, this seems unbelievably low.

    Second, what are my options? My brother goes in for monthly shots and patches both, not sure what would happen in my range.

    Third, if I were ever to compete, would this nullify anything I achieved? Right now my close grip bench press PR is around 420ish which would put me very high in my weight (242) and age (50-59) catagory.

    And finally fourth, if I were put on a testosterone regiment, would my aches and pains from everyday life lessen?

    An old feeling Oldster.
    Last edited by Oldster; 03-28-2011 at 08:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    I think Colowayno was thinking about getting on TRT. Maybe he can contribute.

    If you were to compete, depends on the fed and how much test you take, I guess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    My levels were at 208.
    My doc started me on Clomid to wake "the boys" up about 8 weeks ago. I just had blood drawn today so I should know soon if it's working. It's cheap and painless to try, as in a pill every other day.
    The next step, if this isn't working, will be HCG which is more expensive and is a shot you give yourself (using really small needles I think 2x per week). It's the same idea as the Clomid but works better for some people.
    Basically, the Clomid binds with Estrogen receptors so that the brain thinks E levels are high and the feedback system triggers more T production.
    Either way I would probably be disqualified from a tested meet... but I don't really know how those things work. Even if I was strong enough to compete I would work on getting my T levels up for quality of life issues.
    I'm not 100% sure the Clomid is working but I will say my enjoyment of things I love (playing the piano, sex, etc) has improved noticeably. My tolerance for things that I don't enjoy but have to do anyway (like work) has improved as well (not quite as much unfortunately).
    I haven't turned into the Hulk or anything but I've been losing weight to help me with some other issues so the jury is still out on whether I'll be stronger or not. Either way I think it's going to be worth it.

    Oh, don't be surprised when you look up Clomid and find out it's main role is as a fertility drug for women. It's off label for our purposes.
    Also, my doc told me that a lot of other doctors would just go directly to exogenous testosterone and not try this other stuff. The advantage to the other stuff is it preserves your natural function. If it doesn't work, I'll go with the exogenous T.
    Good luck which ever way you decide to go.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 03-28-2011 at 09:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Actually, it makes the brain think there's not enough estrogen, so it bumps the production of LH, stimulating testosterone production by the testes.

    It has just occurred to me that it would be easier to fail a doping test with clomid or HCG than with actual testosterone.

  5. #5
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    Colorado Springs


    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Daniel View Post
    Actually, it makes the brain think there's not enough estrogen, so it bumps the production of LH, stimulating testosterone production by the testes.

    It has just occurred to me that it would be easier to fail a doping test with clomid or HCG than with actual testosterone.
    I'm glad I'm not the doctor, I always get that confused. Yep, if I ever go to a meet it will be untested or I'll just be in it for the fun.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Somewhere on a Quest


    Cripes, you guys are talking in Chinese to me. I don't know what all this stuff if, like LH or HCG.

    But, maybe I'm starting to see what they are trying to do...........I think......... So what the trick is, FORCING the testes to produce more testosterone by 'tricking' them, not to add more testosterone to your body....right? I'll be darned, I didn't realize that.
    I'll have to talk with my brother and see what they are doing for him, I know that in HIS case, his count was so low he was never able to have children. I remember him talking about a patch that he wore along with the injections and I am fairly certain that the patches were low doses of testosterone. Perhaps in his case his count was to low to do anything else?

    When given extra testosterone, won't that make our 'boys' shrivel up like I always hear on the news? Wouldn't that be bad in the looooong run? Guys, I just don't know anything about drugs, never wanted to. I'm a big fearful at this point thinking that at some point I'll just have a couple of raisins floating around in my sack.

    Thanks for the info, Carlos and ColoWayno.

  7. #7


    This is interesting:

    This thread made me do some quick research and think about going to get some blood work done again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I think the shrivel up your boys is when you use a huge amount of Extern hormone so that your body stops totaly with its own hormone production and no longer need the boys, meens shrinking.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Well, if you bench over 400 lbs and everything else is in working order, I see no reason to get any extra test.

    If you are having problems related to low test levels, well that's a whole different story.

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Last edited by Konstantinos Kavos; 03-30-2011 at 04:03 AM. Reason: POsted twice - see next post

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