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Thread: Traing with injury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Traing with injury

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Ok so my backs hurt dont know..gonna be going to the docs in a few days i it doesnt get better. I was doing deadlifts and just felt a horrible pain (id say 7/10, granted my 10/10 was full body cramps while almost going into kidney failure but im sure theres shit that hurts worse so it might not be that bad) in lower back immediatly droppef weight (225 warm up was powering trough it). Form was perfect and everything maybe even hyperextension.

    Too the point two weeks have almost gone by no squat dl or press. I dont want to neglect them but im just wondering what the best things to do in subsitute for them. Honestly i cant think of anything cept single joint stuff. So if there is anything what would they and be and if there is, are they even worth doing?

    And to anyone if your wondering extent of my injury i have no freakin clue. Its weird at times i can stand straight others i cant. I can extend my back but if i sit, it hurts badly can bend over if i thrownky hips back while i do it but if i stand agaisnt a wall i cant. I really think its something to do with my spine as ive taken multiplenmuscle relaxers small mg's all the way up to a 600mg and they did shit.

    Edit: been doing chins and bench (yes i can arch my back and keep feet on ground i know its a weird injury). Also since i cant squat or dl should i still dp gomad i mean id like to keep progressing on bench (230lbs) and make my chest bigger but im just curious if gomad is truely nessescary for that
    Last edited by MattJ.D.; 04-04-2011 at 05:54 PM.

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