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Thread: My first squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default My first squat form check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi Mark,

    I was going to wait until I got a camera (instead of camera phone) to post these, but tuition fees and cost of living being what they are in London, this might take awhile. Please forgive the poor resolution (although I at least managed to take the video right-side-up this time).

    I think I finally figured my squats out today (though I may be wrong). On a recent video you suggested that driving the knees out hard at the bottom could cure the knees forward problem. I tried it today with much better results; my posterior chain stayed tight(er). I always felt like I lost all my form/power when dropping into the hole, the knees out (waaay out) gave me power out of the hole that I've never had before, it felt great.

    That being said, I can still see some knees forward tendency in the videos (I think I just need to develop adductor strength know that I know how to squat properly), you feedback is, as always, much appreciated.


    130kg 2RM attempt:

    125kg 2RM attempt:

    115kg 2RM:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I need to see more hip drive, enough that it looks like your back angle has become slightly more horizontal -- but not much -- during the initial drive up out of the bottom. If you'll shove your knees out just as you approach the bottom, the tension created in the adductors and hamstrings will create the bounce, and then your lifting of your butt will create the hip drive.

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