Problem with Press - Long Forearm Anthropometry
Coach Rip, greetings and thanks! Wondered if you had a suggestion. Read and re-read the section on Pressing in SSBBT v3, particularly the part where you mention it's probably necessary for someone with forearms longer than upper arms to start from a "floating" position above the delts. My problem is when "catching" the bar after lockout, the weight wants to press all the way to a rack position, which tends to push my elbows down and back, making the next rep harder to do, due to the newly introduced moment arms there (apologies for lack of video). Any suggestions for stopping the bar in the "floating" starting position? Six weeks in and getting great gains, by the way.
50 years old, novice to the barbell. 6'3" 240lbs. Doing the recomp diet you mention in your "clarification", as close to paleo as I can manage. Live in San Diego, grew up in Houston but was born in Wichita Falls! Thanks again.
At least you moved. You and Tommy Tune. Really, I'll need to see a video to sort this out.
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