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Thread: My first powerlifting meet -- what would you do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default My first powerlifting meet -- what would you do?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    So I'm entering my first powerlifting meet next weekend. I tested my 1RM last night, here's what went down:

    375lb x 1, 395 lb x 1, 405lb x 0.

    Plan for the meet: 365,385,400.

    Bench: (Off pins):
    225 lb x 1, 235 lb x 1, 245 x 0.

    Plan for the meet: ?????

    385 lb x 1, 405 lb x 1, 425 x 0.
    Plan for the meet: 375,405,415-420.

    Now here's where things get tricky:

    Because I have a shitty powerrack, I'm forced to do my bench presses off the pins from the bottom position. I have no idea how much this simulates a true, paused at the bottom bench press.

    Back when I had access to regular bench, I was doing 3 sets of 5 with 235lbs. So I imagine starting from the bottom is much harder.

    But it's all guesswork at this point. I'm thinking 235,245,255 for the meet, but only the opener is assured.

    Anyone have any thoughts, advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Next weekend as in the 31st? I don't know, what has your training been like? If you have been doing the novice progression up until now, I might train as usual or a little lighter on Monday, work up to your openers on Wednesday, and take Thursday and Friday off. Hard to tell about the bench, but if you did 235x3x5 without a pause, you should definitely easily hit 235 with a pause unless you haven't been benching much lately. A bottoms-up press is harder than a competition paused press. If you're really not sure, I don't know, maybe try opening with 235 and if it seems easy, go for a bigger jump.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Meet is on Sunday, Aug 1st.

    I've been doing the Texas Method and probably won't change much before the meet. I'm not looking to cut weight or fuck up my training in any way, just want to get the first meet done and under my belt.

    So I will just use the meet as my intensity day.

    Thanks -- I was pretty sure a bottom-position bench was harder than competition paused bench but I guess I needed to hear it from somebody else.

    I will open with 235 and take it from there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I am looking to enter my first powerlifting meet as well in November. One thing I've found consitent when looking for tips on a raw lifter's first meet is to open LIGHT. Your opener should be something you KNOW you will CRUSH. This allows you to actually post up something in the meet, and calms your nerves.

    I say whatever you do, open light and asses yourself from there. Keep us updated on how it goes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Open lighter than you think you need to and bury that motherfucker. If you bounce your nads off the floor, that's deep enough. It'll give you confidence and might buy you a little benefit of the doubt if you need it later. And the weight can feel heavier on meet day, so be conservative and make sure you get a valid total.

    Find a place with a real bench and practice. Get your paused benches in and know that you know what you can do.

    Practice squatting with someone calling the "squat" and "rack" commands.

    Practice wearing whatever you're going to wear in the meet. Nothing should be new at the meet.

    Practice eating, as depending on the number of lifters, you may be waiting hours. Figure out what you can safely eat and drink between max attempts and have plenty with you on meet day.

    Practice staying warm between attempts.

    Make a list of everything you need a week out. Check it every day to see if you've forgotten something. Pack the night before. Don't be driving around the morning of the meet because you need some liniment and can't find an open drug store.

    Always check the weight on both sides of the bar. During a busy meet, the loaders can get confused and put different weights on. I've seen it happen.

    I'd open with 350 or so in the squat. 205 bench. 350 deadlift.

    There will be a lot going on aside from your lifting and it's hard to predict how well you'll take it.

    Do you have to get psyched up for a max attempt? What if you get psyched up, get called to squat, and they realize they have loaded the bar incorrectly. Take two minutes and can you get amped again?

    What if you're two hours between lift attempts or events? Not unheard of, especially if there's a bench only that they work into the full bench flights.

    Can you maintain the ability to go balls to the wall 1RM for 8-10 or more hours?

    If you're used to listening to your own music while you lift, will it fuck things up if they're playing Justin Bieber?

    Do you habitually warmup with a concept2 rower or some other piece of equipment they might not have?

    Is all your equipment legal? Do you know how to get to the venue? Do you need any membership cards? What will you weigh in the morning and in your weigh-in clothes?

    Have fun, get a total, even if it's lower than you think you could have done. Aim to go 9 for 9 and report back here afterwards. Meet other lifters and learn from them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'm all for opening conservative, but if he pressed 235 bottoms up off the pins, he'd be wasting his time to open 30 pounds less.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Nolan gave me some good advice on this subject just before my first meet:

    and also referred me to this article, which you should read:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by August West View Post
    and also referred me to this article, which you should read:
    This is a great article about choosing attempts. And why are you testing you're one-rep max a week out? Nothing you can do about it now, but you don't need to be doing a full meet yourself a week out, you need to rest. A good rule of thumb is open with your best triple, and take about 10% jumps. But this is dependent on many variables, for your first meet it will get you started. Good luck!

    EDIT: another great article about raw meets just posted at elite:
    Last edited by Jason B; 07-24-2010 at 07:21 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    10% is a big jump.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    I'm testing my 1-RM maxes a week out (actually about 10 days out) because I have never tested my one rep maxes before.

    I've never even tested my 3-rep maxes as I have mainly been doing 5 rep sets for the past year or so.

    Again, I'm not looking to take first place... just trying to get the first meet under my belt, have some fun and hopefully hit some PR's.

    And if I didn't test my 1-rep maxes, I wouldn't even know what a PR would be.

    Anyway, thanks to all for the advice. I'm kinda seeing eye-to-eye with gzt on this. I will let everyone know how it goes.

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