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Thread: Deadlift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Deadlift form check

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    Deadlifts, I'm on my 6th week of a deadlift program atm and figured I"d video and post up just to see if there's anything I can improve on form wise. Please tear at it y'all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tasmania, Australia


    First of all, you have obviously not ever read anything that Rippetoe has ever written on the deadlift. This is his forum you realise?

    Don't bounce.

    You only have your back set in the first rep.

    Bear feet are dirty.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Alright, well I'm sorry for doing touch and go. Didn't realize it was THAT touchy (no pun intended) of a subject here...

    As for bare* feet what exactly is your problem with this? I feel more comfortable deadlift in bare feet than in shoes... Unless you're saying that my hairy feet resemble bear feet? In which I"ll take the compliment, thank you.

    And no... what in this video would make it seem like I'm a troll, or a crossfitter?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by skym045 View Post

    And no... what in this video would make it seem like I'm a troll, or a crossfitter?
    * Interval Timer

    * Violent deadlift bounce & go

    * Use of lever powerlifting belt to lift girly weights

    * Under Armour

    Sorry if we sound mean here, but really its hard to tell if you are fucking with us. If you glanced at the "book" or any of the free info on this site, youtube, wiki etc. All your questions would be answered.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    I actually don't think there's that much wrong with this aside from the bouncing and maybe looseness on reps after the first, which could be fixed by resetting your spinal position + big breath before each rep, deloading the weight on the ground.

    That and maybe don't look straight ahead, which tends to crane the neck. Keep your head in a more neutral-ish position, which will have you looking at the floor initially.

    Easy steps:

    1) Bar over middle of your actual foot, and it stays there throughout this progression (don't move it forward with your shins)

    2) Set gaze in a neutral position, and "squeeze"/arch your back hard, reinforcing this by taking a big breath.

    3) "Take the slack out of the bar." Do this without actually pushing the bar forward (see #1)

    4) "Squeeze" the bar off the floor. Thinking about "dragging the bar up your legs" can be useful to keep the lats engaged (which help reinforce the good spinal position).

    For reps after the first, simply start over at #2 after setting the bar down in control, so you deload momentarily between reps, resetting back position and breath, keeping the bar over the middle of the foot throughout.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    * Use of lever powerlifting belt to lift girly weights
    Wow, Dastardly. What's your deadlift up to now?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    * Interval Timer

    * Violent deadlift bounce & go

    * Use of lever powerlifting belt to lift girly weights

    * Under Armour

    Sorry if we sound mean here, but really its hard to tell if you are fucking with us. If you glanced at the "book" or any of the free info on this site, youtube, wiki etc. All your questions would be answered.

    1. The timer is not for me, I lift at my BJJ gym. That was a round timer for people that were rolling, it just happened to go off right before i started.

    2. The touch and go really wasn't that violent, yes I could go a little bit softer. But it's no where near as bad as many videos I"ve seen.

    3. Since when do people on strength forums get the right to say what's "girly" weights according to other people or not? I use the belt because it allows me to lift more weight, which in the chase to get stronger, is better. Not sure how you could disagree with this. Nor do I see why you have to be an asshole about the amount people lift.

    4. it's my only rashguard that I use for BJJ (which I did right before this) Since when did brand names matter for anything? It was 20$ at academy, so I got it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    1.) Im not exactly sure what you mean by this, am I pulling the bar forward somehow in the video, and I'm not seeing it?

    2.) Thank you.

    3.) Thank you, still confused on the pushing the bar forward though.

    4.) Thank you, I"ll be more mindful of this next time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by skym045 View Post
    1.) Im not exactly sure what you mean by this, am I pulling the bar forward somehow in the video, and I'm not seeing it?

    2.) Thank you.

    3.) Thank you, still confused on the pushing the bar forward though.

    4.) Thank you, I"ll be more mindful of this next time.
    I'm not saying you're pushing the bar forward (I don't really see that), but I don't know exactly where the bar lines up over your foot, you'd need a side view for that. It's really just a reminder to start with the bar in the right place over your foot. This stays constant from rep to rep, and the rest is just holding the good spinal position (a big breath before each rep will help) and "dragging the bar up your legs."

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