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Thread: Squat and Deadlift form check.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Squat and Deadlift form check.

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I've made the mistake of following the program while using different variations of the squat and deadlift before. I'm done with that, and I want to follow the form outlined in the book as closely as possible. If I want to compete in powerlifting in the future, I can worry about optimal form when I'm already strong. As for now, here's where I'm at:

    I tend to drive my head back and drive my elbows under the bar while squatting. I'm aware of this and attempting to work on it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You are divebombing into the bottom of your squat and your knees are collapsing inwards. Descend more slowly and stop getting loose at the bottom. Drive your knees out farther in the beginning and then keep them there as you ascend. Both your knees and butt are moving back as soon as you start to rise. Getting control over your knees is going to fix that.

    Lastly, trim all the extraneous stuff out from the beginning of your videos. The sticky at the top of this forum has other worthwhile suggestions on this topic, too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by TomC View Post
    You are divebombing into the bottom of your squat and your knees are collapsing inwards. Descend more slowly and stop getting loose at the bottom. Drive your knees out farther in the beginning and then keep them there as you ascend. Both your knees and butt are moving back as soon as you start to rise. Getting control over your knees is going to fix that.

    Lastly, trim all the extraneous stuff out from the beginning of your videos. The sticky at the top of this forum has other worthwhile suggestions on this topic, too.

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