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Thread: Squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark

    Default Squat form check

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    Hey guys

    I finally filmed my workout today after having wanted to do so for a long time.

    I'm sorry the plates are blocking my head, for some reason i didn't realize this until i got home.

    I did 3 sets of 3x102.5kg = about 226 lbs. I just switched to 3x3 instead of 3x5, since my form on the last two reps was horrible and gave me lower back pain.
    Today felt pretty good, so sticking with 3x3.

    I notice that i'm looking up everytime you can actually see my head. It sucks with that huge mirror, but i usually manage to look down. Seems like i messed up today.

    The three cues that i used before my sets today (i.e. what i wanted to work on) was
    - Sitting down, as in pushing your butt out to get down
    - Keeping my legs out (again, my camera angle might not be the best, but i think you can see it to some extent)
    - Master cue, as in visualizing a vertical line up through the mid-foot and trying to follow that with the barbell

    I've been stuck around 225 for a long time, since my technique got horrible at this level, and i deloaded to 190 to work on my technique (especially hadn't been getting my legs out).
    This was a PR.

    Please help me correct my technique, so i can get stronger!

    22 yrs, 6'3", 210 lbs

    Last edited by rasmusDoh; 04-28-2012 at 03:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Videos are private.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark


    I'm a fucking idiot.. Never tried this before.

    Anyway, they should work now.

    Sorry guys, please still help me get better at squat!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark


    Anyone please?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    I could only get the third video to work for some reason. You're kinda bent over from the hips and a little at the knees too - you need to stand up straight at the hips and lean forward from your ankles to keep the bar over midfoot. It's hard to tell from this angle but it seems as though this bent over position is putting the barbell out over your toes. Your heels are lifting slightly when you hit the bottom, indicating that the weight is too far forward here too.

    As you noted, you need to get your head down. Holding an imaginary tennis ball under your chin will help you to keep your thoracic spine extended and chest up.

    Your squats aren't too bad, just a few little tweaks needed.

    Why are you only doing 3 reps?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark


    I recently switched to 3x3 instead of 3x5, since my form on the last two reps was horrible and gave me lower back pain. There was a guy in here who had a thread about the same problem, and he was adviced to switch to 3x3 (which he did with success), so i decided to try the same thing. It has definitely helped on my lower back, as my form on the last two reps literally always sucked.

    You say that my heels are lifting slightly when i hit bottom. Do you think WL shoes could help on this or is it because of that other thing? I just got WL shoes yesterday (Adidas Power Perfect II), haven't used them yet.

    Can you think of any cues to fix the bent hips problem? Not sure how to fix it.

    Oh, and can you see the other two videos now? Tried changing the URL. Do anyone else have problem viewing all three of them?

    Last edited by rasmusDoh; 04-28-2012 at 03:34 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    I can see all three videos now. I suspect your back is sore because you're getting too bent over and letting the bar come over your toes, putting lots of stress on your lower back. You may need to drop the weight down to a point where you have control over your back angle and work up from there, focusing on keeping the bar over the middle of your foot. Go back to 3 x 5 at the lower weight - you need the extra reps for practice.

    The bent hips problem is just a problem with your start/finish position - you're not standing fully upright. Just stand up straight, otherwise the rep isn't "finished".

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark


    I'll work on this back angle thing.
    Do you think the cue for this would be this "Master cue" from the book, where i try to visualize the bar moving in a straight line up from mid-foot, during the entire lift?

    I mean, even with less weight, how do i fix this? Is it bar placement, is it from looking up, or do i just need to actively bend over less?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark


    So i tried squatting with my new Adidas Power Perfect II shoes and my new WL belt today.

    Thought i'd try 231 lbs (normal progress), to see if the shoes and belt made it possible to squat more with better form.

    I grinded out the first set, super hard.
    On the first rep of the second set i literally fell over, as in i had to step forward not to fall. Sick shit. I went for two more reps though, but my i got really bent over (as in really horizontal back). So form sucked.
    I tried 198 lbs afterwards, but stopped after two reps as my form sucked here too, getting horizontal back again.

    Does it take a few workouts learning to squat with WL shoes with a heel?
    I was pretty tired today (sore legs) after a sports arrangement on saturday, which also caused me to miss that training (yes i know i suck). So hadn't done squats since wednesday = 5 days vs normally 3 days on mondays.

    But still, i've never fell over like that. Maybe it was just way too much weight for today, but basically i wanna know if you guys had to take a few workouts to learn to squat in WL shoes - or if i can rule that one out? What about the belt?

    EDIT: I feel like its a lot easier to get my legs out in these shoes, but what else do WL shoes normally help on?
    Last edited by rasmusDoh; 04-30-2012 at 12:15 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    Shoulda dropped the weight, especially with new shoes. First thing you need to do is evaluate whether you are getting bent over on your warm up sets. If not, work out roughly at which weight you lose control of your back angle, take off 10%, then restart linear progression from there. Film each set and review in between sets to make sure you're nailing it.

    Yes, the "master cue" is the way to fix this problem.

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