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Thread: Advanced or Intermediate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota

    Default Advanced or Intermediate?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    A question for Coach Ripp:

    This image pops just about every time you google the words 'deadlift' or 'Rippetoe':

    I appreciate this greatly in that this personifies the fact that we don't need to be on the sauce to be great lifters AND that we also don't need to do a 7 day split routine either and have no life outside the gym.

    My question is at what stage in your training was this? Intermediate or Advanced?

    What had you done up to this point to have acquired such hypertrophy *and strength. I've read PP several times through that mass follows strength (form follows function, etc. etc.)

    However in the basic Texas model the addition of assistance is: "light arm work, abs and Glute-hams/back extensions." Call me silly but I don't think I'd acquire such an astonishing musculature as you had by doing just that. Any bent over rowing/ additional press work or incline chest work in your training?

    I'd like to incorporate the Olympic lifts (and their requisite technique work) on top of a basic power-lifting format (like California Strength). How did you do it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    A couple things:

    - If your intent is to ask Rip a question the best place is "Mark's Q&A" section.
    - That is not a picture of Rip. For further clarification see:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    John Tony - though I think sometimes Rip (or the moderators) sends questions he doesn't like to the appropriate forum. Anyway, that picture is Roger Estep and he is most certainly an "advanced" lifter. And on drugs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    ... awkward. I hadn't ever run across a name to the picture - guess that's what happens when we assume. So rephrase I guess; "what would this guy have done (aside from inch thick needles of sauce) to develop in such a way?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I heard Estep was into heavy singles and was one of the first "box squat" guys. Here's a routine he apparently route for a squat cycle or something:

    But I can't find much else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Let me repost because the forum won't let me edit:

    Thie image above pops just about every time you google the words 'deadlift' or 'Rippetoe':

    Apparently this is Roger Estep and he was on the sauce. At any rate - I'd be curious what a natural lifter would do to acquire such mass and strength like that?

    5 day splits are what BBers use for packing on slabs of beef - however only squatting once a week isn't going to get you to China..

    What tweaks to the Texas/Stone/Intermediate models would facilitate this? In PP it mentions for trainees needing to put on mass they should add assistence anywhere from 3-5 sets of 10 repetitions (i.e. GHRs). While facilitating Squatting 3 times, rotating Bench and Press, AND having the PR/DE day on Friday, what can be done to add hypertrophy while not tapping too much into recovery and spending 3 hours at the gym each day?

    My Current Intermediate Week:

    Monday (volume):
    20-30 minute warm up (jogging, band pull aparts, cable face pulls, band hip/ankle mobility work, foam rolling, power-clean technique drills)
    Squat 5x5 @ 90%5RM (72%1RM)
    Bench/Press 5x5 @ 90%5RM (72%1RM)
    Deadlift 1x5 @ HEAVY
    Weighted Dips/ JM Press 3x4-8
    Reverse Curls 3x4-8

    Wednesday (active recovery):
    20-30 minute warm up (jogging, band pull aparts, cable face pulls, band hip/ankle mobility work, foam rolling, power-clean technique drills)
    Front Squat 2x5 @ 80% Monday's Weight
    Press/Bench 3x5 @ 90% last 5x5
    Weighted Fat Bar Chins 3x6-8 (shooting for total of at least 20 repetitions)
    Glute-Ham Raise/Back Ext/Good Morning 3x10-15
    *Rowing Movement
    Abs 3-6 sets

    Friday (intensity/dynamic day):
    20-30 minute warm up (jogging, band pull aparts, cable face pulls, band hip/ankle mobility work, foam rolling, power-clean technique drills)
    Bench/Press 2,3 or 5RM or 10x3 on 45 second clock @ 40% bar weight, 20% band/chain weight
    Squat 2,3 or 5RM or 10x2 on 45 second clock @ 40% bar weight, 20% band/chain weight
    Speed Deadlifts 15x1 on 30 second clock @ 40% bar weight, 20% band/chain weight
    **Power Cleans 5x3
    Abs 3-6 sets

    *Based on how I feel I might throw in 3 sets of landmine rows or bent over rows for sets of 4-8 (I really like rowing movements)
    **Still working on mastering correct technique; these are performed fairly light and do not add significant training loads (YET)
    ***Assistance Movements are alternated every 3 or 4 weeks to keep things fresh and enjoyable

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Your question doesn't make any sense at all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Read the Texas Method ebook by Justin Lascek, he covers how to add hypertrophy to the TX method. Read the whole book, your volume percentage is wack and you may be doing too much as it is.

    What are your current lifts? Squat/deadlift/press/bench press

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI



    If you want to make the program more BBing like, I would split it into upper/lower sessions. There are a few threads on here that would shw you how to do it. The trade-off is that you won't be squatting 3x per week, it will be two instead. I know you said something about only squatting 1x per week, but there are a lot of powerlifters that do just that and it works. You do not have to squat 3x per week to get strong. It is an option, but not the only option.

    Hell, I know some guys (power team actually) that squat 1x every other week, especially late into a training cycle. They alternate that with deadlift. They are still getting stronger.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    How can I attain the strength and physique of a world class powerlifter who used steroids without using them myself or spending too much time in the gym?

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