Post a form check and let's take a look!
Why can I squat 320 3x5, power clean 185 5x3, but struggled mightily to deadlift 310 today for a set of 5. Yes all my squats are to depth I promise. Last run through SS my squat was at 375 1x5 and my deadlift was 355. I'm 6'3 243 with a relatively long torso. I've read the deadlift chapter over and over and my form has been approved on here many times. I just feel like I suck at this lift. Any thoughts?
Post a form check and let's take a look!
Here is an old video of 350 but my form is the same now but 310 feels like 350.
You are on your heals. Look at where your shoulders are in relationship to the bar.
What steps should I take to fix this?
Set up described in the deadlift chapter. Vertical shins 1" from the bar, bend knees until shins contact. Freeze hips squeeze chest up, do the deadlift.
Do not start with the bar so far away and don't drop your hips rocking back on your heals.
You may need a coach. Is there one near you?
Probably I live in Chicago. I set up correctly but then right before I pull I always push the bar forward a few inches. I can't get my back into extension unless I do that. But I'll focus really hard next time and see what happens.
Also stupid question. Is it one inch from the shins when the feet are pointed straight forward or when the feet are pointed out a bit. Because obviously the shins are further away from the bar the more the foot turns out.
Then you are not set up correctly.
I cannot think of a mechanism by which this is true. Vertical shins don't happen when you pull knees back as you look down at your feet. Walk up to the bar, eyes straight ahead. Have someone eye you from the side and tell you when your fertile shins are one inch from the bar. Now look down at your feet and take a mental picture of that and repeat it each pull.
If the bar is being pushed away, I don't know what to say to you.
Regarding the back extension, I think you are likely being lazy. It's a miserable position, it sucks, but you have to fight for it. Judging by your video, I'll bet you have 385-405 for 5 if you were in my gym and worked hard to hit proper set up.
You put the bar far enough out front and 225 can feel like 500.
My question was phrased wrong. I meant to say do you put the bar over the mid foot when feet are straight or turned because if you do it with feet straight ahead then turn them out it won't be over the mid foot anyone but in front of it.
Also, I don't try to push the bar forward. I get ready to pull and my videos always show the force of my shins shoving the bar forward. That's why oddly I enjoyed deadlifting with those stupid hex plates because they wouldn't budge...but I'll try to focus harder I guess
I cannot think of a mechanism by which this is true. I have trained more than a 1000 folks and I have never personally witnessed this phenomenon. I'm guessing you are pulling your shins back when you look down, I don't know.
Don't push the bar forward with your shins, freeze your hips. I don't really know what to say.
Patience and diligence is required. You seem to be trying, I think you need a coach if you are unable to get this on your own. I have one that helps me daily.