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Thread: Squat Technique Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    Post Squat Technique Check

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    Hi guys,

    I am a beginner that is 3 weeks into the NLP. Below is my squat technique video of my last set of 3x5 with 80kgs.

    I am reading the blue book and noticed I should probably bring my legs closer together and point my toes out more, but wanted to know if my squat is looking correct overall?

    17 January 2024 - YouTube

    Thank you in advanced,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New York


    Hey Daniel, your observations about stance are correct. Let's see how these clean up if you fix your stance and do a better job of setting the knees forward a bit sooner in your descent. All combined, these tips should also help you get a bit more depth as well.

    You're also slightly "dive bombing" the descent (going down too fast) which might correct itself over time since heavier loads demand more focus. It's not a bad idea to get that in your head now, of course.

    By the way, the safety pins appear to be set too low to help you right now, in the even of an emergency. You want the pins to be just below the lowest place your bar travels in a correct squat. Again, your depth will be a little lower once you make the above corrections. It could must be the camera angle though. Your video could be better - check out the Sticky for info about that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2021


    Unfortunately these are above parallel.

    Bringing your feet in just a bit and pointing your toes out, and actively pushing your knees out at the bottom, should help with depth and you should do it. But you also simply just need to go lower.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    These are all very high. Yes, your diagnosis is correct: bring your stance in a hair, point your toes out, and shove your knees out hard.

    A couple of more things to address:

    Stand up straight at the top, with your chest out and your head between your shoulders.

    Your hips are leading your knees. Think about breaking them at the same time as your hips and setting them early. Your cue is “knees.”

    Stay leaned over at the bottom. Send your ass back and keep your nipples posted at the floor.

    These are close; a couple of tweaks and you’ll be there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    I wouldn't rush to change your stance. Maybe it's because I'm watching on my computer and not my phone, but I can't get a good enough look at your stance or your depth to be certain enough to give you any advice. Lower the camera so that it's hip height, not chest height. When you're POV is looking down they will always look higher than they actually are.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    Thank you for your tips guys, this helps a lot. I appreciate it!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    Thanks brother, I will keep this in mind when I next film a video. I think my stance could be pointed out a little more, so I will give it a try next session. The cue to drive the knees out and set them early I think will help too. Hoping it will help fix the forward knee shift i seem to be doing. Cheers

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    Keep the knees on the back burner for just a minute. Send another video and let's make sure your stance and depth are good. Don't focus on too much or you won't fix anything. The instruction about the knees getting out is fine, but the foundation is balance, depth, hip drive. Once we're good on all these, move on to the next problem.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    Hi guys,

    I filmed my 3rd set of squats today at a lower angle and took on your instructions.

    After my squat session the other day, both of my knees have been very sore. I am thinking it was because of the forward knee slide. I do have a history of knee pain (born with arthritis in my right knee but it is usually painless these days). Once I warmed up today, the pain went away, however it is now back post session. Could this just be inflammation for my last workout a few days ago? Happy to work through it as gaining strength will help overall I think.

    In my sets today I really focused on "set the knees" cue and wanted to know all your thoughts. It seems my knees still move a little on some reps, is this okay?

    My stance is shoulder width and my toes slightly out. Any further than this feels weird. If you think I need to point them out more I will.

    Squat technique check Starting Strength - YouTube

    Please let me know if you think it is okay for me to begin loading the bar each session or hold off and work on form.

    Cheers guys!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    starting strength coach development program
    These are much better. Your knees can move a little at the bottom, it's just important that they only move *out*, not *forward* (so that you're not opening the hip/closing the knee angle any further, which js what happens when they "slide").

    If the pain goes away as you warm up and doesn't affect the reps, it's not anything.

    You should already be loading these. Weight corrects form. Load away.

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