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Thread: MAD9692 Texas Method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default MAD9692 Texas Method

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I decided to start a log after I finished my novice linear progression as detailed in Rip's SS. I have all of Rips's books as well as the DVD and I log onto Rip's forum frequently so at this point I have a pretty solid understanding of the lifts.
    I really took my time with SS and milked the shit out of the linear progression.
    Because I worked my ass off on SS I didnt want to fuck up my intermediate phase by not having a planned out template.
    So-I bought the Common Sense Strength & Conditioning Templates by Lee Baker. The templates are great and really easy to understand. Andy spells out what you need to do - so theres little thinking to do. Even better is that you can pretty much use the different templates forever- so when one runs it's course you can switch to another one.
    This log will be based on Andy's version of the Texas Method (The Charlie Sackett Program)

    Here's where I started with SS:
    5'11 175lbs
    Squat: 1RM 265
    Press: 1RM 155
    Deadlift: 1RM 385
    Bench: 1RM 225
    PC: 1RM 175

    5'11 215lbs
    Squat: 1RM 380
    (Last working sets I stalled at was 340lbs. I couldnt get more than 2 sets of 5 of 340lbs and thats when I decided to make the change to the TM)
    Press: 1RM 185
    Deadlift: 1RM 415
    Bench: 1RM 285
    PC: 5x3 185

    This took about 5 months but with about 8 weeks lost due to injury, vacations, a nasty flu and the holidays.
    My goals for 2009 are:
    3RM 405 Squat
    3RM 315 Bench
    1RM 450 DL
    1RM 225 SP
    and to not weigh more or less than 220lbs while doing so.
    Pretty aggressive- but what the hell.I didnt think I would gain as much from SS so who knows.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Lee "Andy" Baker is also known around these parts as KSC :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I missed yesterdays workout because of a late work day so I made it up today. I havent trained heavy in about 2 weeks because of a work trip so today felt a little weird.

    3/17 B/W 210

    Squat 5x5 @ 315
    Bench 5x5 @ 225
    P/C 5x3 @ 170
    Pullups 3x5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    This whole week is a wash because of a hectic work week. I hope to get back on to the program on Monday. I did what I can in the garage on Thursday night to keep some sort of conditioning.

    3/19 B/W 211
    Squat Clean x 3/Front squats Worked from 185lbs up to 215lbs
    PR! First time I ever Squat Cleaned 215

    Snatches 1x1 - worked up to 135lbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Unfortunately a week after I decided to start a journal I had a pretty intense month of work. Late night business meetings and long days coupled with a lot of drinking, cigar smoking, and poor eating.But now its done and I was finally able to get myself into they gym for a good workout.
    The good news is that I only lost about 10-12lbs from my 220lb max weight. Which means that the weight i gained from my SS novice program is here to stay. Bad news is that I feel weak as shit. Oh well- life gets in the way sometimes.

    Tuesday 4/7 -- B/W 209
    Squat 5x5 315lbs
    Bench 5x5 225lbs
    PC 5x3 155lbs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Friday 4/10 B/W 209 Recovery Day

    Squat 2x5 225
    SP 5x5 155
    Power Snatch 5x3 135 Worked from 95 to 135
    Pullup 3x5 Super Set w/ GHD
    GHD Situps 3x10

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I was bored today and I felt like doing something.
    I'm really out of fucking shape.

    3 Rounds of Crossfit Warmups.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Monday 4/13
    B/W 212.5

    Squat 1x5,1x4,1x3 @ 335lbs
    Squat- Back off set 1x10 @ 225lbs
    Bench 3x5 @ 230lbs
    Bench- Back off set 1x10 @185
    Power Clean 5x3 @ 185lbs

    Im gonna do a week of SS Novice linear progression to get some of my strength back.
    I ate very well today.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Tuesday 4/14
    B/W 211.5

    Chinups 5x5

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Friday 4/14 B/W 210
    I have to change things up. I dont really like to bounce around from routines however I'm just really fucking bored of the current routine. I've been doing nothing but the 5 basic lifts since September and lately my desire to train has been kind of weak. So Im going to start doing CF style workouts with an emphasis on Strength. I did this today and I had a lot of fun- so I'm gonna stick with this for awhile and maybe get back to the Texas Method in the winter.
    Im gonna base my workouts on KSC's Hybrid Strength & Metabolic Conditioning Routine as detailed in his eBook. The layout is very easy to understand and provides alot of room to focus on the exercises you like. Very well written template.

    CF Warmup
    Snatch 6x1 160lb Worked up to 160lbs
    Press 4x1 185lbs Squat Cleaned each Rep. Worked up to 185lbs
    P-Press 4x3 185lbs Squat Cleaned each Rep. Worked up to 185.
    Jerk 4x5 135lbs Focused on Speed.Squat cleaned each rep.
    OHS 1x10/ 1x12/1x15 95lbs PR for reps.
    Light weight however I usually suck at these and now I feel very comfortable.

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