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Thread: Programming Restarts and other ?s

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs

    Default Programming Restarts and other ?s

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm planning on a vacation in August, and due to my circumstances I've chosen to spend the months leading up to that "chilling out" on 5-3-1 (basically maintaining as opposed to trying to make agressive gains). After that I want to go after some goals more agressively.

    My first question for the forum is, how do you handle programming after layoffs?

    My thinking was to restart Linear Progression with a big offload and try to get back to PR territory or beyond over 6-8 weeks, then to switch to TM until I meet my goals. Of course this will require a commitment to doing what it takes diet and recovery wise as well.

    Even though I've been doing the exercises in SS for over 2 years, I've really only "Done the Program" for small fraction of that time. When I was eating enough, etc, I was able to add 40 lbs to my squat in a matter of weeks to get to 3x5x285.

    Possible goals for the lifts (by my 48th b-day near the end of February):
    5RM 315 squat (best so far is 3x5x285 which has dropped off a lot during "maintenance")
    5RM 235 bench (best so far is 6x210)
    5RM 145 Press (best so far is 3x5x127.5)
    5RM 350 Deadlift (best so far is 5x305)

    Second question, given that I'm an oldster do these goals seem reasonable or too easy?

    I didn't see any coaches listed for Colorado Springs in the new directory, does anyone know a coach they like there?

    I don't have a goal for power cleans yet because I'm very much form bound. I'd like to see if I can find a good coach early on during linear progression.

    Last question, I've never had a coach before so is it worth it making all of these plans until I talk to one or should I get their input first?

    Thanks forum!
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 06-13-2010 at 03:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL


    Is there a reason why you don't want to make as good of gains until your layoff?

    For coming off the layoff your plan seems solid. You can restart the linear progression but take some bigger jumps in the beginning and on the first day. The goals actually seem somewhat low even for someone of your age, but they are very achievable.

    As far as coaching, you do not need one, but they are helpful. If you can find someone who can help you hammer some stuff down it would be worth the investment but know that you can learn all of the lifts on your own with the right dedication.

    Take Luck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Thanks, hat.
    Yep, I'm deployed right now. It's been around 117f and just getting hotter. That and I'm working 7 12 hour days a week.
    I did a linear progression restart over here, and that's when I made some good gains. Back then the weather was cooler and I wasn't sick of the food yet. I was also growing out of the clothes I brought doing 1/2 to 3/4 GOMAD (which was with shelf stable crap milk).

    Basically though, it was enough to give me a taste of what I think I can do. I think the goals might be a bit conservative as well, at least that's what I'm hoping. That would be very cool.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL


    No probs. Stay safe, brother.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Southern Wis


    I'm a bit bigger and a few years older than you but I see your goals as totally obtainable and probably conservative, as you noted. I'm starting a big reset now but was at those numbers, give or take, earlier this year. You'll have no trouble getting there with how you are laying the foundation.

    Re: coaching, I've been getting some Oly coaching once a week and it has been awesome. I use that night as my volume night. (I just started TM.) A good coach will get you moving on the cleans better than you probably can on your own. I found that it's just too hard to get reliable feedback by yourself while learning something so new and different. The other days I go to the local high school gym. This combination is fantastic. I get instruction on the technical points of the complex lifts and still progress along on my own close to home. I'm sure there are folks in Colorado Springs that can help you out when you get home.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Thanks Bob.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Take the first week back kind of slow (first workout, you might just want to do what you would normally do to warm up for a workset in each of the lifts and call it a day), then ramp up with linear progression. Start conservative, go up fast. You will kind of know where you should be after the first couple workouts). I don't think you necessarily need to hit new PRs as far as 6-8 weeks out, but play it by ear.

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