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Thread: Sudden Onset DOMS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York, NY

    Default Sudden Onset DOMS?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    48 years old.

    Been training consistently for 18 months, and currently running 5/3/1. Did a re-set a couple months ago, so while the weight is still heavy it is not approaching 5RM PRs.

    The last couple sessions have been a) very difficult and b) left me pretty sore. Last two sessions I squatted 295 for 5 on "5" day and 310 for 4 on "3" day. (5RM PR is 330).

    I'm curious about why I'm sore all of a sudden, when the worst I usually have is some stiffness the next day, which easily gets taken care of with some sled pulls. Soreness mostly in glutes and way high up in my adductor.

    My guesses include - 1) I'm hitting ATG depth, as opposed to slightly through parallel or 2) I'm not eating enough for recovery.

    This happen to anyone else? Getting DOMS out of the blue after no layoff and not attempting new PRs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Newport News, VA


    There are probably too many variables to figure this out via the internet. Here goes anyway. For me, excess fatigue and soreness is usually the result of poor sleep. I'm the same age and also run 5/3/1. We incipient old farts aren't sleeping as well as we used to. I can control my workouts and my diet, but not sleep. Even if I go to bed at the right hour the quality sometimes just isn't there. It tends to run in streaks for a few days, too. If your schedule allows, I find a nap or two is the best remedy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York, NY


    thanks guys.

    been drinking plenty of water and sleep seems ..... okay. I agree I can go to bed early but sleep can still be poor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Everett, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by muntz View Post
    thanks guys.

    been drinking plenty of water and sleep seems ..... okay. I agree I can go to bed early but sleep can still be poor.
    I also find diet can affect this for me. If I eat clean (low carb, no grains) I do much much better. It used to not matter much but now that I'm in my late 50s it matters a great deal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    DOMS can be weird. The worst DOMS, perhaps, I ever got was on a light day after a single set of 5 at 135.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Could be diet. I love lean red meat but I've found too much of it can trigger nasty DOMS. I've tried to research and figure out why. The only thing I've found is that it triggers an autoimmune inflammatory response in some people.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Everett, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by brichm01 View Post
    Could be diet. I love lean red meat but I've found too much of it can trigger nasty DOMS. I've tried to research and figure out why. The only thing I've found is that it triggers an autoimmune inflammatory response in some people.
    I've also heard that foods with lectins in them can also trigger autoimmune issues.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Stockholm, Sweden


    Maybe its that you are reaching your limits, you might need an extra rest day, that whats happened to me. But Im older 64yo, been training for three years now. I began feeling extremely sore last year, so now Im taking extra rest days, more 72 hours rest and even more sometimes, it seems to make my DOMS more tolerabel.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Jersey


    when I squat or dl, I am sore within a few hours. The next day the soreness is more acute.

    Soreness, much miss understood, can be a symptom of new stresses that you haven't adapted too yet. If you are not doing enough work to cause a distribution to homeostasis, you probably won't get sore. So on the flip side if you working real hard with maximal weights/reps and or not recovering and accumulation fatigue than sudden soreness may be possible.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by muntz View Post
    48 years old.

    The last couple sessions have been a) very difficult and b) left me pretty sore. Last two sessions I squatted 295 for 5 on "5" day and 310 for 4 on "3" day. (5RM PR is 330).
    5/3/1 last set is supposed to be all out as many reps as possible? Is that what you are doing? For example on the 5 day @295 hitting 5 reps might mean you are getting near the 90% max of the program?
    Are you following the "deload week" to rest? I was doing the program and one knock I've heard against it was that it does not give you enough works sets, so I modified it a bit. Maybe you just need a week of down time?

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