starting strength gym
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Thread: Nyguy79 Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default NYGUY79 Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Never thought i would actually do it, but given that I have received some good insights from other members here, and have been following a few people's journals as a mode of inspiration, i decided to give this a try.

    Quick background. I am six feet and weight 220 pounds. Never really lifted seriously, other than gym in high school.(will turn 30 this month, so HS was a while back)

    I have been doing a modified version (my own version) of SS for about 14 weeks. Consisted mostly of linear progression SS in Press, Squat, Deadlift and Benchpress.

    So far, I have been happy with gains, but realize that my goals are not to become a powerlifter. I love the simplicity of SS and the base it develops for lifting. For the most part, I have not pushed the limits by increase the load every workout, however I am proud to say that my caution has prevented any real injury (knock on wood)and that i am in no real rush to hit goals of 400DL, 300+ bench and 350 Squat. If i can hit these by year end, and look good physically (yes i do have some vainty) then I will be happy.

    anyone interested in following this, please feel free to provide insights and critiques.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009


    What my workout has looked like the past 14 weeks
    Workout regimen: 3x a week
    Focus: Strength (intensity)
    Program: Modified SS
    Cardio:Light 20 mins 1x a week

    Press: 95X5 to 175X3. 185 1RM
    Squat: 135X5 to 305X3
    Bench: 175X5 to 245X3
    Deadlift: 135X5 to 315X3

    I do not really ever test 1 RM max. Pressing is likely the only place, and it happens more a result of not being able to lift more that one rep, not as testing.

    The plan for the next 12 weeks (after this last week of SS) will be to switch from one centered around intensity (low reps high load) to one more foucused on volume (higher reps around 65-85% of current weights) in terms of bench press and squat and maintaince (low freqency and reps but same intensity) for DL and press. Basically, trying to get more muscle and definition in chest and legs, increase bench and squat strength, and not lose to much in terms of DL and Press. So for bench and squat going to give Smolov routine a shot (thanks gary) and for the DL and Press just do maintainece 1X a week. Do this for 4 weeks and then do a something like a German Volume program for bench and Squat, and mixture of 5X5 and increased volume at 70% max for Press, DL, seated rows and biceps/triceps.

    Essentially over the 25-30 week period i would have done 15 weeks centered around intensity, about 4-5 weeks around frequency and about 8-10 around volume.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009



    Focus: Strength/Week 15 Modified Starting Strength

    SQUAT: 155X5, 185X5, 225X5, 275X5, 295X5

    Conv Deadlift :155X5, 185X5, 225X5, 275X5, 295X5

    BB Benchpress Flat: 135X5, 155X5, 185X5, 205X5, 225X4, 245X1

    Summary: Not the best workout. Squat form was a little off on last set which was surprising and back was tight throughout workout. Still not able to hit 225X5 on the bench and form is definitely not the greatest after 205. Hopefully Smolov routine will increase overall strength.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default 7-08-09

    Focus: Strength/Modified Starting Strength Week 15

    PRESS: 135X5, 135X5, 155X5, 175X3, 175X2, 155X5

    SQUATS: 155X10, 185X10, 205X10, 225X10 (10RM PR)

    Barbell Curl: 45X10, 75X5, 75X5, 75X5

    Seated Bicep Curl: 45X12, 45X12, 45X10

    Tricep Rope Pulldowns: 57.5X12, 57.5X12

    Summary: Decent overall workout. Squats were a new 10rep max, but was definitely tiring. Missed one rep in press in top set, so decided to backoff and do a lower weight. Still not smooth on second set of 175, although first set at this weight is fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default New Routine started 07-12-09

    Week 16: Chest Specialization/Maintenance on OHP and DL

    Basically switching off an intensity based program to one with increased frequency and volume. Increasing calories slightly, but plan on adding cardio. Program is initially centered around increasing bench press (first 3 weeks) and depending on success will then increase volume across the board for other lifts for another 5 weeks.

    Bench will be set up: MWThSa for the next 3 weeks. Only light cardio/squats and ab work will really be done on these days.




    Squats will remain at 5X5 for 2x a week with 4x10 once a week.
    OHP and DL will go down to 5X3 once a week, typically on Sunday.
    Also looking to tone abs with a 4x12 3x a week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default 7-12-09

    Week 16: Chest Specialization/Maintenance on OHP and DL

    Cardio: 1 mile 12 minutes

    Conven Deadlift: 155X5, 185X5, 225X5, 275X5, 315X3, 315X2, 315X1

    BNP (smith machine): 135X5, 135X5, 155X5, 155X5

    Knee Raises: 12/12/12/12

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default 7-13-09

    Week 16: Chest Specialization/Maintenance on OHP and DL

    Cardio: 1.5 miles 17 mins

    BB Bench Press Flat: 45X10, 95X10, 145X10, 170X6X6 (Smolov Day 1)

    Squat: 45X10, 45X10, 155X10, 185X10

    Seated Bicep Curl: 45X15, 45X15, 45X10, 55X6X4

    Seated Crunches: 60x12x3

    Summary: Smolov BP was the center of this workout. It went reasonably well considering I had no idea what to expect. I tried to focus on form which helped in the beginning, but on last two sets, going slow led to a few reps not touching chest. No big deal, but still will work on it.

    Cardio at start of routine definitely made squats tiring, but I made it through.
    Bicep curls were just additional assistance work that i threw in since I did not do OHP. Will leave OHP and DL for a sunday if possible.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008



    Am I correct in understanding that you're launching into a combined bench AND squat Smolov Cycle?

    Not criticizing... just curious.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009


    hey tor,

    No. Not doing a Smolov cycle for squat, only bench. I am sticking to my previous squat program which was basically born out of the starting strength squat routine 3X a week. I have read and been told that bench and squat smolov routines run at the same time were not ideal.

    I found that adding when I added additional reps after week ten of SS, to lifts like press and squat helped in keeping the weights going up at a resaonable rate. So typically one of the three days on squat will be higher reps and the two remaining with be your typically 5X5.

    Addtionally, since last night was first night of Smolov for bench, i went easy on the high rep squats. I would normally have an additional set at either 215 or 225.

    I could see given the back to back high rep workout in squat why you would think its a smolov. Just the way i was planning this week. Figured it would be easier to do the high rep squats at the start when bench was at lower weights.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default 7-15-09

    starting strength coach development program
    Week 16: Chest Specialization/Maintenance on OHP and DL

    BB Bench Press Flat: 45X10, 95X10, 135X10, 180X5X7 (Smolov Day 2)

    SQUAT: 45X10, 155X5, 185X5, 225X5, 275X5, 295X5, 305X3, 305X3

    Seated Crunches: 60X15X3

    Summary: Simple Workout plan. Clean Movements. Nice feeling at the end. (CNS). No issues with Smolov. One set was slightly off in terms of form on a few reps, otherwise felt good. Rest between set average about 3 mins. Last set maybe was 3.5 mins. Squats were good. 305 felt a little heavy but went up. Thought about trying 315 for 1 rep and a PR but that can be hit next week. Want to do 305X3X3 first possibly.

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