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Thread: Uneven hip depth in squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Uneven hip depth in squat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello Coach,

    Whenever I squat, it seems that my right hip always is lower than my left hip. In addition to making my squat look worse, I have also been dealing with occasional right hip discomfort for 6 1/2 months. I think the discomfort might be related to this fact, although even with lower weight tempo squats (knee tendinitis) this last session, I still noticed it. Even if there wasn't any discomfort at all, I would still really like to fix this issue, but it seems like too much of an issue that can't really be fixed. Is there any advice you have? (From when I tried High Bar) (Red lines are parallel)

    Thanks a whole lot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Hey Cole
    The first pic it looks like the stance is staggered a bit, with the right foot back. The second looks like the stance is staggered a bit the opposite way.
    How long have you been training and how long into training did you start to get the hip pain?
    Could be a number of things causing this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    I have been training since mid-September, and I started feeling the hip discomfort on December 31st. Looking back at the original video for the high bar picture, I can't see anything that would suggest a staggered stance. The low-bar one was filmed at quite an angle so that might make it look staggered as well. I can't say for certain that your analysis is incorrect, but I personally believe that it is not the issue, especially since I take time to make sure my stance is correct before beginning a set.

    I have been thinking that maybe my right hip just has more flexibility and can naturally sink lower than the left. The thing is, recently my right groin area has been kind of bothered for about a bit . This may perhaps be due to the hip angle (on the right side) closing more and impinging the soft tissue in the right groin slightly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoCole View Post
    Looking back at the original video for the high bar picture, I can't see anything that would suggest a staggered stance.
    Well, you cut your feet off in the picture, but I'm looking at the difference between your right and left calf.

    As I said, it could be a number of things. Leg length difference, scoliosis, structural abnormality with the hip, increase in relaxin due to pregnancy, government-created killer nano-robot infection, or mumble rap.
    If you check out the sticky at the top of the forum, you can see how to become "verified" and then post a form check here. You could also post a form check in the Technique sub-forum in the meantime, and get some feedback there. These pics aren't enough to say anything for sure.
    Could be a simple fix, like adjusting the stance. Or something more involved.
    Can you train the other lifts without issue?

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