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Thread: Deadlift form check.

  1. #1
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Aug 2015

    Default Deadlift form check.

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    Hello esteemed coaches. Please and thankyou.

    Shared album - Mick S - Google Photos

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Hi Shabu,

    The barbell is a little bit too close to your shins. Get over midfoot, which is generally over the metatarsal strap on the shoes. I'd turn your toes out just a little bit. Then get shins to the barbell. You are getting your chest up hard, but aren't keeping it through the beginning of the pull. So, do this: set up at the barbell with your toes a little bit further out, make sure it's over midfoot, bend over, grab the barbell, tug up a little on it and get your weight centered over midfoot, then bring your shins to the barbell--shove your knees out a little, which will make room between your thighs for you. Then, get your chest up hard. Now, push the floor away. Don't start the pull with hip extension. Start it with knee extension. Push your feet hard into the floor. The hips will extend soon enough, but you've got to get it moving with knee extension. Getting the barbell a little bit further forward will give you room to do this. Don't let your lower back move at all. Just push your feet into the platform.

    You have an excellent deadlift face, by the way.
    Last edited by Karl Schudt; 06-01-2018 at 07:11 AM.

  3. #3
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Schudt View Post
    Hi Shabu,

    The barbell is a little bit too close to your shins. Get over midfoot, which is generally over the metatarsal strap on the shoes. I'd turn your toes out just a little bit. Then get shins to the barbell. You are getting your chest up hard, but aren't keeping it through the beginning of the pull. So, do this: set up at the barbell with your toes a little bit further out, make sure it's over midfoot, bend over, grab the barbell, tug up a little on it and get your weight centered over midfoot, then bring your shins to the barbell--shove your knees out a little, which will make room between your thighs for you. Then, get your chest up hard. Now, push the floor away. Don't start the pull with hip extension. Start it with knee extension. Push your feet hard into the floor. The hips will extend soon enough, but you've got to get it moving with knee extension. Getting the barbell a little bit further forward will give you room to do this. Don't let your lower back move at all. Just push your feet into the platform.

    You have an excellent deadlift face, by the way.
    Thank you karl, I will try that next time. The deadlift, not the face. I can't control that haha.

  4. #4
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Aug 2015


    Ok, I tried what you said Karl and these looked and felt a lot better.

    This is how I was setting up from the bar previously - Shared album - Mick S - Google Photos

    and today - Shared album - Mick S - Google Photos

    60kgs - Shared album - Mick S - Google Photos

    100 kgs - Shared album - Mick S - Google Photos

    120kgs - Shared album - Mick S - Google Photos

    140kgs -

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    Mick, I see two issues here.

    1) Esp on the light sets, you are rolling the bar back to your shins. Don't. Once you establish the bar position over the foot DO NOT MOVE THE BAR. Watch the plates if you have to, but don't let the bar move. One of the big problems I see is people rest on the bar - I note your wrists are bent so you may be as well.

    2) You're not letting your "squeeze up" of your back pull your arms against the bar. Most of the weight should be in your hands when you finish squeezing up - the bar should bend, etc. This pre-loads the spinal erectors and keeps them from elongating - and your back from flexing - when you push the floor away with your feet.

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