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Thread: Programming for Inconsistent Training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default Programming for Inconsistent Training

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    For the next 6 weeks or so I will be working a ton of hours and be traveling on most weekends so my training will be sporadic at best. I will be able to get into the gym once or twice a week. I have completed NLP and ran HLM for a while before switching to a four-day split a couple months ago. What you recommend I do on the days I can make it to the gym? I thought about doing the A and B work outs that you do for NLP, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to have such a long gap between upper body lifts.

    My main goal is just to maintain as much strength as possible for this stretch. Then, I'll do a quick LP when I can get back in the swing of things.

    Also, do you recommend doing a bunch of push-ups or air squats during the day when I know I am not going to make it to the gym?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Wichita Falls, TX


    Hey Seth. Just helping out our buddy Brent J as he's currently making his escape from Manhattan.

    If you can make it once or twice a week, I'd recommend doing A/B workouts as you mentioned. If you have time, you can do press and bench on the same day. Maybe 5x5 on one lift and 1x5 on the other, then alternate them for the other workout of the week.

    Your call on the pushups and air squats. They won't help anything if you're even a little bit strong, but if you want to burn some calories or whatever, have at it. Don't make yourself too sore.

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