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Thread: One Week Break from GGW

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default One Week Break from GGW

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    2nd time through GGW and making good progress.

    I finish up week 9 (intensity week) today and will be able to workout Monday before having to take a week off (rural vacation trip).

    I was thinking of doing the heavy day for all lifts on Monday (for week 10 that is 80%).

    Then when I come back a week later I’d like to try to do week 11 (basically an intensity week before deload, then 1RM tests).

    Think this is doable or do you think it would be better to repeat week 10 when I get back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Sorry, I pray that correction. I will only have to miss the one workout on Friday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Get all the heavy lifts in plus whatever else you can on Mon and Weds, then take your trip, try and maintain quality nutritional intake, and then come back into the gym Monday and train as normal. 4 days out of the gym is not going to detrain you. Should be fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Palm Springs, CA


    Hey Andy I purchased your book to help my mom's training (BBRX). I really liked the Kingwood TM template and I want to give it a shot. Would you make or recommend any changes for a 28yr old lifter vs a 40+ yo? Maybe like adding some more OHP pressing volume or taking out one of the light day squats on the volume week? Thank you sir. Just finished your PB template running sets across for months and I'm thinking of doing something like this...

    W1 (volume)
    Bench Descending 5x5 (85/80/75x3x5)
    ***OHP 3x5 @ 70%?
    BW Dips

    Squat 5x5 Descending (85/80/75x3x5)
    Pullups BW
    Cable machine rows

    Press 5x5 descending
    Light Bench 3x5 @ 70%
    Weighted Dips

    Deadlift ( your 6 week cycle template )
    Weighted Chins

    Week 2 :
    -Bench/Sq/press5x1 90ish %
    -Add in the Light squat on the DL day.

    Ride out singles as long possible then rotate 3's,2's,and 1's.

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