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Thread: Light day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default Light day

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I am enering the fourth month of NLP and i wanted to ask is this the time to make the second training in the week as a light day?
    bodyweight in begining:76 kg
    current bodyweight:80kg.

    I started with:
    Squat:60 kg
    Deadlift 75 kg
    Bench press:37.5 kg
    Press:25 kg
    chin-ups: bodyweight/1.75 kg weighted+bodyweight
    Powerclean: 30 kg(Powerclean didn't went up so much because i needed more time to learn the technique).

    Today weights:
    Squat::110 kg
    Deadlift:115 kg(Next training hitting 117.5)
    Bench press:63.75(Today's bench was suck because spotter "touched" the bar twice so i am doing the weight again).
    Press:45 kg
    Powerclean 32.5 kg
    chin ups:doing the alternation and going very light with small plates(0.125/0.5)kg.

    So should i add a light day for the squat only or for all the lifts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    If you're entering the fourth month of NLP and you've gained a total of 9 lbs, then YNDTP: A Clarification | Mark Rippetoe
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe
    And eating correctly is part of the program. If he started the program at a bodyweight of 165, he should probably weigh 185 by then, more if he’s taller. If you’re squatting 30 pounds more than you started at six weeks into the program, YNDTP. If you started at 5’ 9” and 155, and six weeks later you weigh 160, YNDTP. If you started at 5’ 9” and 235, and six weeks later you’re only squatting 50 pounds more than you started with at a bodyweight of 235, YNDTP.
    I don't know how tall you are, but 4kg in 4 months is not the novice program, which includes eating, as repeatedly mentioned in the article.

    That said, you've put some decent weight on the lifts considering you haven't eaten properly. My suggestion is not to do a light day, but to up your calories significantly, so you gain weight and don't stall. Get yourself to 90kg by new years and I bet you won't worry about stalling. After that, implement a light day mid-week, sure, and your LP shouldn't last much longer than that anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    I am 1.80 meters tall and I ate 500 calories above maintanance so if this the time to add those extra calories i will add them to the diet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Amelia Island


    Can attest that Rip/Wolf aren’t wrong. I was eating 2.8kcal and gained no wait over the course of 5-6 weeks. Obviously, not doing the program. But, I stalled real hard. Failing sets left and right as I was aiming to get my weight on the bar up, but not body (see getting greedy) 😔. I deloaded, started to eat about 4kcal and have been making way better gains in size and weight on the bar. Previously failed sets have since then been passed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ZeevOl View Post
    I am 1.80 meters tall and I ate 500 calories above maintanance so if this the time to add those extra calories i will add them to the diet.
    Yup, now is the time. Add another 500, or even 800, or even <gasp> 1000. Ya, add 1000. If you find yourself rapidly expanding in waist size while the weight on the bar is only going up very slowly, then scale back halfway between to 500.

    Quote Originally Posted by justinnipper View Post
    Can attest that Rip/Wolf aren’t wrong. I was eating 2.8kcal and gained no wait over the course of 5-6 weeks. Obviously, not doing the program. But, I stalled real hard. Failing sets left and right as I was aiming to get my weight on the bar up, but not body (see getting greedy) ��. I deloaded, started to eat about 4kcal and have been making way better gains in size and weight on the bar. Previously failed sets have since then been passed.
    Yup. Happens all the time. Glad you saw the wisdom in it. Ya hear that, ZeevOl?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Yup, now is the time. Add another 500, or even 800, or even <gasp> 1000. Ya, add 1000. If you find yourself rapidly expanding in waist size while the weight on the bar is only going up very slowly, then scale back halfway between to 500.

    Yup. Happens all the time. Glad you saw the wisdom in it. Ya hear that, ZeevOl?
    Today i really failed finish the 115 kg cause it felt like tons on the back so i guess 1000 calories is a good start
    By the way thank you guys for the help.

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