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Thread: Woody's Starting Strength log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Woody's Starting Strength log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Hi all,

    Updated short and medium term goals:

    1) Look and feel strong and healthy

    2) Squat: 180kg, Bench: 100kg, Press: 70kg, Deadlift: 180kg all for 5 reps 3 sets except deads (1 set)

    Workouts will be as follows, 3 days per week alternating workout A and B.

    Workout A: Squat, Bench, weighted dips.

    Workout B: Press, Deadlift, weighted chins.

    Curlz (EZ bar and Alt DB) every other workout.

    At least 2 short conditioning workouts every week, one after deadlift workout, one longer stand alone conditioning workout on weekends.

    Diet will be rich in fruit, veg, whole foods, high quality protein etc.

    Wed 20th October 2010 – workout B

    112.5 x5 x3 (work sets)
    1st work set was tough. I decided to tone down the ‘aggression’ and keep composed through the other work sets – really concentrated on breathing and hitting depth with knees out. Felt much better.

    57.5 x5 x3 (work sets)
    No real problems, slowing down on last set, may need to microload soon.

    45x3 x5 (work sets)
    Weight felt fine but a bit all over the place really. Need to at the very least start studying form videos for the powerclean and take it from there.

    bw x3, bw x2.5, bw x1
    Last edited by Woody; 04-21-2011 at 05:58 AM. Reason: Updated goals

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Friday 22nd October 2010 - workout A

    Great workout all in all! Pretty tough in places but gave it everything I had...

    115 x5 x3 (work)
    Really think i've found my squat groove now, key for me seems to be controlling descent speed. Last set a bit iffy, but my wife came bouncing over to say hello just as I was about to get under the bar and I lost a bit of focus!

    42.5 x5 x3 (work)
    Went OK, press starting to feel fairly heavy again. Will def need to microload soon, moreso than with bench. Will invest in some washers / light plates next pay day (in a weeks time).

    115 x5 x1 (work)
    Hard. First 3 reps were fine. Think I stopped a bit too long for breath after 3rd rep and lost some composure making 4th and 5th reps very difficult. I've had big problems with deadlift form and back rounding in the past, just got to keep a very close eye on form and keep trying to push forward!

    bw x 5, bw x 2, bw x 1. No energy after 1st set of chins.
    Last edited by Woody; 10-23-2010 at 04:05 AM. Reason: spelling

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Monday 25th October 2010 - workout B

    Another good workout, I'm feeling a fair bit stronger than when I was lifting similar weights a couple of months ago...

    117.5 x5 x3 (work sets)
    1st set felt a bit heavy, 2nd and 3rd sets felt strong

    60 x5 x3 (work sets)
    Hoping to get to at least 65kg with 2.5kg jumps before lowering weight increases.

    47.5 x5 x3 (work sets)
    Still not happy with these. There were a few reps that I think were alright, but a few where the bar was way out in front of me - have to keep practicing form on these. Arms pretty sore after.

    bw x8, bw x6

    bw x3
    Last edited by Woody; 10-26-2010 at 02:08 AM. Reason: spelling again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Thursday 28th October 2010 - workout A

    PHEW! That was tough for me, very tough. I moved my workout from Wednesday to Thursday because I went indoor climbing on Tuesday night (1st time) and was really feeling the effects on Wednesday...

    120kg x5 x3 (work sets) = PR
    First set was fine. Second set just felt off from the second I unracked the bar. I was pretty unsteady and my knees slid forward (haven't had that for a while) on the first rep - I thought, 'there's no way i'm going to get the whole set', but dug in and somehow made my reps! Final set was better, although very last rep was all out 100% to get the bar up.

    I'm seriously considering adding a light day mid week on the squats. Not sure how long I can keep adding 2.5kg 3 days per week. I'll see how next squatting session goes and take it from there.

    45kg x5 x3 (work sets) = PR
    Pretty happy with these all in all. I think my chins have had an effect here. Would like to get to 50kg with 2.5kg jumps before microloading, but may get a nasty surprise next pressing workout!

    120kg x3 x2 (work sets)
    Mixed feelings about my deadlifts. On the positive, i'm happy with my form, and 120kg didn't feel super heavy. Having said that, I had the same problem as on last deadlift workout, was completely gassed after 3 reps! Decided to go for 2 sets of three reps for my work sets. Not ideal, but better than an all out fail. Looking to hit 125kg for 5 next deadlift workout. We'll see...

    bw x 3, bw x 1, bw x barely 1
    Exhausted by this point, all I could manage.
    Last edited by Woody; 10-31-2010 at 09:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Sunday 31st October 2010 - workout B

    Unexpected events on Saturday morning dictated moving yesterdays workout to this morning...

    Body weight 89.4kg

    Squat (light day)
    100kg x5 x3 (work sets)
    After a lot of thought i've decided to move on to advanced novice programming for squats, allowing a light day once per week. I'm certain this is the best decision for me.

    62.5kg x5 x3 (work sets)
    No problems here, will keep progressing as best as I can.

    50kg x3 x5 (work sets). 60kg x2 - PR!
    I've been watching quite a lot of powerclean form videos over the past few days, and things seem like they might be starting to come together with this lift! Cues that helped were really paying attention to the shrug and loosening grip a bit for racking the bar. Was feeling good so attempted 60kg and managed a couple of reps for a new PR.

    Barbell curls
    40kg x6 x3
    Did these IN THE SQUAT RACK!! I know, I know... I was the only person around though.

    bw x3, bw x3, bw x2
    Last edited by Woody; 10-31-2010 at 08:54 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Tuesday 2nd November 2010 – workout A
    Oh dear. Poor workout from start to finish…

    1st work set 122.5kg x3 then fail on fourth rep.
    Back off sets 100kg x3, felt HEAVY! 80kg x8 x2.

    I don’t know. It was an early morning workout, although that shouldn’t have made too much of a difference. Sleep wasn’t great last night and pre workout breakfast was meagre (2 small slices of toast and cup of coffee). However, only making 3 reps of the first set? That’s an epic fail! It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was the last rep or two of final set.

    Work sets 47.5kg x5, x4 + 1 push press, x1 then fail.

    If someone had asked me yesterday whether I thought I was going to make my press work sets today, I would have said 100% yes. Didn’t happen. Maybe didn’t rest long enough between sets or maybe the confidence took a bit of a beat after my squats?

    Work set 125kg x 5 (long break ~ 60 seconds between 4th and 5th reps)

    Not at all happy with these - back rounding on at least 2 of the reps.

    bw x3, bw x1, bw x0

    That’s the worst workout I’ve had in a long time. I feel a bit defeated. All I can do is hit the gym next time well fed, well rested and try 122.5kg again. My 0.5kg plates should arrive before next press workout, however I want to try 47.5kg work sets once more before going up in 1kg jumps. I’ll repeat 125kg next deadlift workout with hopefully better form.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Thursday 4th November 2010 – workout B
    OK, we’re back on track. I can’t pinpoint exactly what happened last workout, probably a combination of things. After some decent sleep and decent food I hit the gym for a solid workout…

    Work sets 122.5kg x5 x3, new PR!

    Yes these were tough, but I had a completely different mindset going into my work sets, it was all about grinding out the reps.

    Work sets 65kg x5 x2, 65kg x4 and 2 thirds

    I asked for a spot on my last work set to be on the safe side. Last rep, and about two thirds of the way through, the bar speed slowed down by a fraction, literally. Bro decides that rather than letting me finish the rep, the best course of action is to yank the bar back up into the pins! Unfortunately I failed to emphasise not touching bar unless it’s moving the wrong way... Regardless, I’m still increasing the weight as planned next bench workout. No doubt I would have finished the rep unassisted.

    Work sets 55kg x3 x5, = PR

    I enjoyed these.

    bw x3 x3

    Dips next time.
    Last edited by Woody; 11-05-2010 at 03:54 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Sunday 07th November 2010 - workout A

    Another solid workout...

    Squat (light day)
    Work sets 100kg x5 x3

    Work sets 47.5kg x5 x3 PR

    Form feels good, happy with these. Bar speed slowed considerably on last set, but no doubt about making all reps. Will probably start 1kg jumps next press workout.

    Work set 125kg x5

    Strict form this time and made all my reps with just a breath or two between each one.

    bwx8, bwx6, bwx5


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Tuesday 09th November 2010 – workout B
    Hard workout, some good points, some bad points…

    Work sets – 125kg x5 x3 PR

    Tough going as usual. First set was iffy and I very briefly considered racking the bar after 3rd rep. I could feel my chest dropping and it was a struggle to get the bar up. However, I really found my groove during sets two and three and form felt OK. Maybe this is an issue with not being warmed up properly for 1st set? We’ll see how it goes with 127.5 next time.

    Work sets 57.5kg x3 x5 PR

    Normally I do these last but the gym was absolutely crammed with people during my workout (there seemed to be a crowd gathered around our gyms’ only bench), and logistically it was easier to do the powerclean straight after my squat.

    I found these exhausting. The first 3 sets were fine, but I lost my form during the last two sets. I managed to get the bar to the rack position for each of my reps, but I don’t think that every one could have been called a strict powerclean!

    Will repeat this weight next workout with hopefully better form.

    Work sets 67.5kg x4, just failed fifth rep, 62.5kg x4 (which felt heavy), 60kg x6 back off

    Well…they say the iron never lies, and right now it’s telling me I need to work on my bench! Perhaps leaving it until last after those very tiring cleans may have contributed to sub par work sets? My bench has always been poor in comparison to other lifts. I’ll do some reading and watch some videos then shoot for 66kg next bench session.

    bwx3, bwx1, bwx0

    Not good enough.

    Going back over my training logs I’ve noticed that if I fail a work set, I greatly lose impetus and the remainder of my workout suffers. Something I need to work on!
    Last edited by Woody; 11-10-2010 at 08:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Thursday 11th Novemebr 2010 – workout A
    Mixed results, and again I had to do my workout in a different order due to time constraints (was not able to wait for equipment to become available). I’m sure it affected my worksets both positively and negatively…

    Work sets 130kg x5 PR

    Very happy with these, dug in and hit my reps fairly strongly.

    Work sets 127.5kg x5, 4, 4

    Not at all happy with these. The warm ups felt heavier than they should have, deadlift first may have contributed to this? I was actually surprised to get all my reps in the first set. Second set I actually racked the bar after 4 reps. I literally pushed 100%, and gave everything I had to get the bar back up on the fourth rep, it was very very slow. Final set I went for the fifth rep, but got pinned in the hole.

    Maybe I’m pushing it a bit too much with the squats. I felt the bar sliding down my back on my final set, not comfortable at all. Will probably play around with bar placement on my next workout and keep a check on any form issues. I thought I had the squats dialled, but perhaps just a bit too heavy for the moment? I don’t know.

    Work sets 50kg x3 + 2 push press, 50kg x1 + 3 push press, 30kg x8 back off

    Heh… I forgot to bring my 0.5kg plates to the gym with me, which meant I had to jump 2.5kg instead of 1kg. I gave 50kg a bash and at least I managed a few reps. 48.5kg for work sets next press workout though,

    bw x3

    Only one set of chins, again not good enough. I’m shooting for a set of five next workout. This should be fine as it’s my light squat day.
    Last edited by Woody; 11-12-2010 at 04:29 AM.

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