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Thread: Squat messing with me lately.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Squat messing with me lately.

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Over the past few weeks, my squat has been feeling really off. Just feels out of the groove and weights that shouldn't feel heavy are feeling heavy. I am kind of concerned because I just started my second run through of the 4 day Texas Method and my first intensity day back at 5's (270x5) was way grind-ier than it should have been. Reps 1-3 were okay but 4 and 5 got a little ugly as the bar got forward of mid foot a good bit. I'm contemplating just repeating last weeks' VD and ID before adding more weight but I'm open to other suggestions if you have any. All of my other lifts are moving as they should and my bodyweight right now is about 205lbs @ 6ft. Any suggestions on form and/or programming moving forward are greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Your upper back is rounding and the bar is rolling up on you and you could use to make your descent a little smoother, but there is nothing terribly wrong with those. If you are doing 270 for 5 on the TM for ID, I suspect that you changed to the program too early. This is especially true at 205 lbs bodyweight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Thanks for the reply. I would've liked to stay on SS for a while longer but despite trying my damnedest I couldn't keep moving up the squat workout to workout without feeling beat into the ground. My other lifts were suffering as a result and I was stuck at a 180x5 bench for a while until I switched to Texas Method and got it up to 210x5 as of today. Time is another consideration right now for me and I don't often have 2+ hours available to be able to fit in 3 heavy lifts. I know 270 isn't particularly heavy but as I said above, this was after a reset it was SUPPOSED to feel light, it just didn't seem to work out that way unfortunately.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    If it is working for you, that is hard to argue with. Work harder to squeeze tight on the ascent.

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