Originally Posted by
Greg C
I've been lurking for a while, and wanted some opinions about goals/plans. Some background first:
I'm 39 (almost 40), 6'2", 193 (too light, I know) and in decent shape from a year of fairly dedicated CF and a few years of rowing and being able to maintain decent fitness in the Navy for the last 19 years.
I am just finishing a cycle of CFSB and have made some decent gains using that program, although it really reinforced my opinion that I am a novice and need to dedicate more time/effort to strength. I own and have read (and re-read regularly) SS to better learn the lifts, and have spent dedicated time with my local CF affiliate coach to ensure solid technique. My recent experience with CFSB has convinced me that I can make even better gains if I dedicate myself more fully to strength gains. As such, I plan to implement a modified novice program starting next week to include 2-3 Metcons (2 short, one longish) in addition to the 3x/week lifting in SS (I don't want to lose the conditioning I've gained from the last year completely, and have to maintain it a bit anyways since I am a Naval Officer).
My 1RM currently are (#s):
BS: 235
DL: 325, although form is questionable. I've reset this, and working am sets of 5 at 235 currently
SP: 135 (I thought I was starting to stall, although I believe adequate rest between sets was the issue here)
FS: 175
PC: 145 (pretty sure I can do more, but technique needs work)
BP: ???? - 5rep working at 155
I would like to be able to accomplish this in the next year, and was wondering if the following seemed reasonable, feasible, under/over aggressive at my age/desired weight. Thanks for any input or suggestions:
desired bodyweight: 225-235max
SP: 200#
PC: 250#
BP: 250#
BS: 350-400#
DL: 450-500#