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Thread: done being a pussy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default done being a pussy

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Probably a pretty typical story here...


    I used to be a decently strong athlete. I was a good high school hockey, football, and baseball player.

    I was an above average hockey player in the USHL and NCAA. My weight then was 215-225. At that time, I had a 5 RM squat @ 450 and a 5 RM bench @ 270ish.

    I have not trained since 2006 after my senior year. Now I am fat and weak.

    by November 1
    Lose 40 lbs of fat
    Gain 20 lbs of muscle
    5 RM squat @ 400
    5 RM bench @ 250
    5 RM deadlift @ 450
    5 RM press @ 180
    5 RM power clean @ 225

    I think these are realistic goals.

    Days 1 & 2 of SS:

    Monday June 28
    Squat 225 X 3 X 5
    Bench 185 X 3 X 5
    Dead Lift 225 X 5

    Wednesday June 30
    Squat 245 X 3 X 5
    Press 125 X 3 X 5
    Hang Clean 135 X 3 X 5 (used to hang cleans, need to get form down for Power cleans next week)
    Last edited by lifterpuller; 07-02-2010 at 05:34 PM. Reason: squat was 245 not 235 on Wednesday

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Good luck man. Those sound very achievable if you support your training with good nutrition.

    For doing power cleans from the deck, just deadlift it like normal, then when you hit the jumping position, jump the bar up. It is a slow lift from the ground to the jumping position, don't try and get bar speed off the ground, just lift it like you would a deadlift (even though it's relatively light).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Subbed, good luck on the comeback!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Friday July 2
    coming off of midnights

    Squat 275 X 3 X 5
    Bench Press 195 X 3 X 5
    Dead lift 245 X 1 X 5

    Big jump in squat today. It felt heavy, but good. I think form was good.

    My schedule is really fucked up: (16) 12 hour shifts per month, 1/2 of them midnights. 6 AM - 6 PM or visa versa

    So, I am going to start including what shift I am coming off of in this log. This will give us extremely unscientific information on the physiological effects of rotating shift work.

    my previous two logged worked outs: Monday was a day off and Wednesday was after midnight shift.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Sunday July 4
    day off

    Squat 285 x 3 x 5
    Press 135 x 3 x 5
    Power clean 145 x 3 x 5

    hungover today. Squats took a lot out of me. I was really shot for presses and power cleans-fought through them but didn't have the best form.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Just curious where you played in the USHL and NCAA and in high school, for that matter.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    Best of luck

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